From the heart!!!
I haven't post here in a long time and then it wasn't very often so here it goes. I am very happy for all of you that have lost and made your goal.
I am one of those who have not met my goal of 150. I am still trying but it is so difficult. I started on Weigh****chers more for the weekly support and weigh-in. I started at 257 when I had surgery on May 7, 2004 and my lowest was 175 for a day. Now today I weighed-in at 183.5. I am back to exercising this week and really watching what I am eating. I will make my goal of 150.
I just would like to hear from people who are out there struggling to reach there goal?
Emma Lou
Surgery May 7, 2004
I too, have not yet reached my goal. I have been struggling for quite some time. I started at 314, and today I weigh 185. Based on my height of 5''0', I still have at least 50 pounds to go. First thing I had to do was quit eating things I knew I shouldn't be eating. Then, I had to really take a look at the amount of carbs I was getting (it was way more than I thought!). Now I am focusing on having my 3 meals without the "grazing" all day long. This seems to be working! I am now down 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks! Exercise has not been the problem as I walk 5 days a week for 30 minutes a day.
It is harder for some of us than others. I have also been seeing a psychologist for the last 6 months to assist with the food issues as to why I am doing what I am doing. For me, there is a HUGE amount of fear of being thin. I have NEVER been thin all of my life as I weigh now what I weighed in 7th grade.
These are just some things I am doing to keep myself plugging along and motivated. I too WILL get down to less than 150.
Hang in there....I know what you are experiencing.
Debbie -129
meee tooo!! I haven't lost a pound since around april I think. I got down to 173.8, for a day, and then back to 178 holding steady. It sucks big time. I too would like to get down to 150. But the best thing is that I feel like a million bucks! I would do this all over again right this second if I had to. I just try to focus on that, and try not to obsess that I didn't make my goal. I started at 280 , and am at 178 now. 5'6" tall. I am wearing 12's in most things. The biggest problem I have is the same as before surgery, I carry all of my weight in my stomach. My hips and legs look like they belong to someone else. If I ever get so lucky as to get a tummy tuck, I would truly be over joyed!
I know how discouraged you feel, but try to remember before and how you felt then compared to now.
Don't give up you can still make it!
Hi Emma Lou!
Congratulations on the incredible success you have had so far!
Sorry to hear that you're struggling to reach goal. I was reading up at your surgeon's website but couldn't tell if their procedure completely divides the pouch from the old stomach or just staples along it? Could you be having a staple line disruption?
My weight can fluctuate the 8 pounds you describe, especially based on time-of-the-month, time-of-day, and how much salt I've had. I have a scale that supposedly measured body fat percentage but really mostly gives me an idea of how much of my weight is related to water (it reports a lower body fat percentage but higher weight when I'm retaining water). In any event, that helps me not freak out when the scale is suddenly up 7 lbs.
I'm definitely here for you for support or whatever you might need. At this point in the game, it really is like good old-fashioned dieting, with all the stressors that accompany it. The exercise is the absolute best thing for you, and whatever you can do to maximize the pleasure of exercising will well be worth it. For me, this means really savoring the cool-down period, since that's when my endorphins surge and I feel all blissed out. Skipping cool-down doesn't seem to result in muscle soreness or other negatives for me, but it shorts me the best part of working out, which is that great mellow high that I get.
I know it has to be frustrating to read about others who started at the same weight and are now at some lower number than you have reached. I feel a sense of envy and a certain amount of disappointment in myself when I look at Pixie's size-4-and-loving-it pictures (I love you Pixie-GREAT JOB TO YOU). No matter how hard I try to avoid comparing myself to others, I find it unavoidable.
The only other thing I would suggest is to go back to your doctor's aftercare program (they all claim they emphasize it, after all) and put some of this burden on them; meet with the dietician again (your needs are different now, as are your abilities), and see what they offer for ppl this many months out.
Please don't hesitate to email me (I'd be glad to swap phone numbers) and let me know if there's anything at all I can do to help.
I'm there with you..started at about 297 and am about 197 size 14-16...loving the direction i am heading but so exausted i can barely function do i go back to wgt. loss surgeon find a new dr. i a finding myself slipping back into old habits and that is why i am not lossing any right now i also am not excerisizing..i am just so frustrated i have spent so much effort and time to feel better and seriously have to rest while brushing my teeth getting throught the day at work is so hard and i am tired of never feeling good so i KNOW everyone else is tired of it...i am so emotional and so just frustrated i have an amazing 3 year old and i just can not snap out of this...i don't know what is going on..dr. tested my thyroid said it was okay and here i am ...i had mono in may but they failed to get ahold of me and told me last month..i don't think that could be whats wrong this many months later..but i really dont know...hey wonder how many more times i could say frustrated!!!
anyhow i do my protein and i am taking vitamins but just feel like something is not right...actually sitting here trying to decide what to do...thanks for listening and wgt wise we will get there it is just going to take work...thaks for listening