September Roll Call .. May Babies Unite !
Hey Nat,
I'm doing great!!! I don't have anything exciting to share. My life is great. I am a shopaholic, but that hasn't changed much other than I enjoy what I see in the mirror in those dressing rooms. I just had a fix this weekend; bought sweaters and jackets for Fall.
It took me awhile to find the board this morning. I had to go to my profile and click on the link at the top for May 2004 Reunion Page. I hope everyone finds their way back.
245/150/?who knows
I'm plugging along..nothing new and exciting..starting back to basics today to see if i can get the wgt loss started again..protein protein protein and water...i will keep you posted...i like the new site it looks good...still at size 16 around 195-200 and hoping to get to around 170 ...thanks for all your support and good luck this month with whatever you are working on....THANKS LADIES and GENTS!!!
Nothing much new with me. I am still waiting to hear from my insurance on my appeal for my tummy tuck. I changed my date from 9/22 to november 15th. I would still love to lose 5 more pounds, but I have been stuck since july, I think. I just had my 33rd b-day yesterday, and that was exciting....I felt great and haven't felt healthier in years. I even had a slice of my cake (had to!!), but still keep on top of my protein. I don't come online much lately, because I can't at work, and find it hard to find the time when I get home, but try to more lately.

I'm glad to hear you're all doing so well and you all LOOK phenomenal!
I'm crazy busy with my new job (needs assessment counselor at a local psychiatric hospital) and the puppy and my daughter being in first grade.
My weight has stabilized at a BMI of around 24.5. I'd like it to be lower, but I'm trying to find some peace where I am. I think I'm more in danger of regaining the weight if I never allow myself to be AT GOAL. I have some problems seeing myself as the size I am. I have a skinny coworker who weighs about the same and wears a size 10 also. I couldn't believe we wear the same size. I keep thinking others see the fat me, and they of course have no clue.
I'm enjoying riding my bike to work (not sure what I'll do when the snow falls...) but I miss running. I just don't have the time for distance running. Maybe when my daughter is grown or if I decide to give up sleep altogether. I have resorted to using free weights at home because right now I haven't the time to get to the gym. I have relapsed into serious chemical dependency (caffeine), but I still get in plenty of protein.
I gave blood again today. Everyone should do this. I failed the floater iron test but the spinner one gave me a 39, so they let me donate. I figure that giving blood six times a year means I can get my iron checked that often without bugging the heck out of my primary care doc.
I hope you all continue to do so well! I'm here lurking most of the time, and I'm still praying for you all and thinking about you, even if I don't always post it.
Let's see. How things have been going for me. Just terrible!!! About 3 weeks ago, my husband bashed my head in pretty good again. This time I am still having bad headaches from it. Thank God I have my own place now. He has it in his head that we are getting back together in a few months. He went to the doctor and had them take him off his anti depression meds. stating that that was the cause of his anger. They did too. I was surprised they did, but they did. Social services are involved and I had to sign a prevention plan to kept my own child here with me. I thought that was crazy! I am still stuck at 150 and can't lose a pound. I am actually gaining. I was 142 at one time. LOL I wish I was there again and lower. I guess it is all this stress from everything with him and getting my place. He made me lose my job so I am on the look again. I eat carbs like crazy for comfort, I guess. Who knows. I am going back to the plan strickly. May even just do the liquids for awhile. Not sure what to do. Plus I have an infection that I can't get rid of. The doctors have put me on three or more meds but nothing is killing the ecoli infection. I get to go pick up meds for that again today. So needless to say, the past few months have not been to good. The only good thing is I am going to be an auntie twice. Melissa is having Mattea in Oct. and my brother's wife is due in Feb. I am so excited about both. I hope you got things worked out with your weight loss.
Well lets see! I can't see myself the way others do! Body dysmorphia is some harsh stuff! I have lost 210 lbs and weigh today at 213. I am in the midst of waiting for insurance approval for abdominalplasty. Doc says they will remove 30 pounds off stomach and fix my hernia. I have a grade 5 panni which is the worst you can have! Everyone is telling me not to loose anymore because after the PS there will be nothing left of me! (Have they looked at me with open eyes?)
I mean really I am still 213 how can any one say that! Even with a 30 pound removal I am still going to be LARGE!
Food wise I am doing alot of brown beans, chicken and watermelon. Those are my main staples. I still can't get in my 64 ounces of water. I am still not drinking with meals and staying away from sugar like it was the plague! I am religiously taking all my meds everyday!
I feel like a million dollars!! There has been so many people not recognize me and kept going! I love it! It seems like everyone from school days know who I am now as where the people I have met with in the last 5 to 8 years don't even know me! It's funny I can't see what others see but I do see it in my clothes and in my husbands HUG! He can lap his arms right around me! Oh I weigh less them him too!! Thats a first! lol
Enough jibber from me, it's someone else's turn!
423/213/ healthy

Things are going pretty good. Still loosing weight, not very fast but it's still coming off. I hoped to be at a goal weight of 210 by 18 months out. Still might make it but not looking good. I am not going to do any kind of "diet" just to make it to some arbitrary number.
So far I've lost over 200 lbs - I just can't get my head around that yet. Maybe I never will. I came across an old photo of me and I didn't recognize myself. Was I REALLY that heavy? I keep it in my wallet now as inspiration to stay on track. I sort of struggle with the idea of a "goal weight" and focus more on what I am able to do rather than a number on a scale. That being said I still want to hit my goal.
Physically I feel great. I have really taken to running. Not that I like it every time I lace up some running shoes, but more often than not I get a 'need' to run if I take a couple of days off. I would love to get in 15 miles a week - but that's tough because of time. As I have become faster it's a little easier. I usually get in about 8-10 miles a week. I run in road races at least once a month, so I am always "in training" for the next one.
Other aspects of life are hit or miss. My marriage has rebounded after some rough patches not anything to do with WLS just normal 'stuff'. I am struggling with work - quite bored and just punching the clock. I don't feel challenged or rewarded. I am just going through the motions. I think a change is in order, but what that change is I have no idea. Looking into that now.
The last photo I have on-line of me is from January. I've lost another 50 lbs since then. But here's a link to it: