tummy tuck
I had my TT/hernia & muscle repair on May 16th. The first few days were the toughest. My incision never gaive me one ounce of pain....the only pain I felt was from the hernia/muscle tightening. The first day of pain was awful until my doc gave me Valium(some people get flexoral(sp)) for the muscle spasms and it was all downhill from there. I had a lot of back pain due to walking hunched over for 2 weeks but that is to be expected and the drains are a pain in the butt but very necessary. I got my 1st one out after 1week and my 2nd one out after 2 weeks which must have been too soon. I developed a seroma that needed to be drained 2x...no big deal though. I feel wonderful and started losing again after I had it done. I have pics and email me if you would like to see them. My incision line is not perfect but I will take it over the 6lbs of fat and skin I had before.
I wish you all my best...
Julie S