Anyone Here Not Lost 100lbs. Yet?
Is there anyone here that has not lost 100bls. yet. I had my surgery May 4, 2004. I have only lost 77lbs. I am so upset with myself. I know waht I have to do to get the weight off it is getting myself to stick to it. I snack all day because it is easier then eating a full meal. But the things that I snack on are terrible. I also have to drink when i am eating if I do not I feel like the food is getting stuck in y throat!!! I just don't know. So I was just wondering if there was anyone else that has not lost 100lbs. yet.
Hi Janette,
I didn't have 100 pounds to lose by the time my surgery day came, but I just wanted to tell you not to get discouraged. Chin up and keep on going.
It sounds like you know what you know what you need to do. You've been given a wonderful tool. We know going in that this surgery is a tool and not a miracle cure all. It's up to us to make the right choices. Just hop back on track and get back to basics and I'm sure that scale will start moving again.
Don't beat yourself up too hard over it. We've all gone through rough spells.

i'm only down 66 pounds and thats on a very, very good day. my dr. was comfortable with it and i must say that i feel pretty good. i, too, eat a bit more during the day than i should but i get hungry two hours after eating and its REAL hunger. i've got to stock up on jerky and other high protein snacks instead of what's lying around the office.........................
my sister had surgery the end of january and she's already caught up to me in the weight-loss department. i walk a little each morning but have a severely arthritic knee that inhibits much real exercise. i know my "tool" is still in working order as i don't finish all that i order or bring for lunch and i don't feel well after ingesting sugar.....................
hang in there, janette, and i look forward to posting future losses and reading of yours.....................

I snack on beef jerky a lot!!! The protein drinks I cannot handle, they make me sick to my stomach all of them well all the 100's of them tat I ahve tried. I have not been back to my Dr. since my two check up. I know I need to get back. I am making an appointment for next week. I also get humgry about and hour after I eat. I have know idea what is wrong with me. Now I cannot eat a lot at one time but I think I am starting to eat more then what I am suppose to be able to eat. I know that this is just a toll for us too use, and I am trying to use it as a tool.
Hi Janette
Just wanted to let you know were here for you!
You say your getting hungry 1 hour after you eat. You also stated you drink with your meals. OK what you are doing is flushing a lot of your food out before it is time. Your fullness should last minimum of 4 hours but that is with one who does not drink with there meals. ( only an hour after) Have you tried eating more moist proteins and foods? Just until you get your body used to the no liquids with meal routine? Like eating chicken with a f/f gravy sauce or pot roast w/ its juices? Stuff of that nature. I know you can turn this around. See you have already completed the 2 biggest steps in your success! You admit there is a problem and you have set up a date with your surgeon!
I know when something feels stuck for me it is one of two things. 1 I ate to much or 2 it was way to dry.
Remember you have an 18 month window to loose this weight you can turn this around!
Ever need to talk feel free to email
Janette -
It sounds like you know what to do - your execusion needs some work. Well, a lot of work actually. You can't expect your tool to work if you don't follow the rules. Get back to basics:
1) Do not drink with meals. You CAN stop doing this. Will it be pleasant? sounds like it won't be. It's a habit that can be broken. Maybe limit yourself to 4 oz a meal at first. Then 3, then 2 and then none. You do NOT need a lot to drink with a meal just to clear your thought.
2) Set up a schedule of eating. 3 meals and 2 snacks. 3 meals - whatever you and your doctor/nutritionist recommends. Prep tomorrow's food today. Again, it's more or less habitual that you're not prepared.
3) Think PEW. Protein, Water, Exercise. Everyday. Every Day. No excuses. You have to do it. You WILL NOT loose weight without all three of them. Find a way to get in protein. Find a way to get in water - without drinking at meals. And move your butt. Every damn day.
4) You did not mention this or not. If you have not thought about counseling - consider it. From what you wrote this is more mental than anything else.
I'm sorry if this comes off har****'s not meant to be. It is meant to be firm. I hope you take it as such. You've lost 77 lbs - that's awesome but it's not even close to your potential. You can do better.
"Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda
You are awesome!!
I like the "do or do not...there is no try".
Sometimes we need this to get us back on track.
Like Janette, I too, have only lost 70 pounds. And, I know that I make excuses...which are legit...but, also...I am not doing the "pew"!! (I like that too...) I may post that in my kitchen...door...bathroom...ect.
Thanks for being up front...we need that!!

Hang in there, Janette!!
I am only down 70 pounds. But, like John said...we gotta get on the ball.
I did not do this surgery just to loose the 70 pounds. That's great...but, I have more to go...and it is going to come off. At least the 70 pounds is not coming back on!! And, that is definet!!
At my year doctor told me I was a binge eater before...and that binge eaters have a harder time losing after surgery. I thought that was why I had the surgery...because I could not get it off before...and this was to help!! Ugh.......
Good luck!!

Hi Janette,
I had my surgery on 4/29/2004 and just today hit the -100 lb mark. I have been having trouble the last few months and turned out I wasn't eating enough and what I was eating consisted of too much fat. How did I find this out. I talked to my surgeon and they had me send 2 weeks of fitday food diaries to the dietician. She guided me to an eating plan that she thought was right for me. I started losing again and have dropped 5.5 lbs this last month. So my advice is to see your doctor and be honest with them about how you are eating. Request nutrition counseling to get back on track. You can do this you have a great tool, don't waste it!!
Good luck
Ok... Here is some info on protein .. and this is your key to getting the weight off . PROTEIN - WATER - EXERSISE ... it works .
Once you get the formula down and follow it .. trust me the weight will fall off of you . My best to you .. and remember this is a LIFESTYLE FOR LIFE !
Eating a low calorie diet actually slows down your metabolism.
Diets containing more protein can reduce the drop in metabolic rate seen with low calorie diets.
To lose fat, you need to cut down on calories, to consume less energy than you expend. But. Here is the problem. Your body responds to this drop in food intake by slowing your metabolic rate, to keep you alive, which makes fat loss increasingly difficult.
Our ancestors had to deal with large variations in the availability of food. Those who survived were the ones whose bodies could adjust to this fluctuation in food availability. Those, whose bodies couldn't adjust, died.
The result?
Our bodies want to hold on to our stores of energy for survival. It thus preserves fat by lowering the metabolic rate whenever food intake drops.
High protein diets reduce the drop in metabolic rate, and also lead to a greater feeling of fullness.
Dr Scott Connelly writes in, "Body Rx: pages 18-19...."Why do MASS protein? To escape fat-storage mode, you have to eat more protein.
If you want to shut down your metabolism and stay in fat-storage mode permanently, stay on the standard diet prescription- the high-carb, low-protein, low-calorie, low-fat diet. Protein is the key metabolic currency of the body. Your body was designed to run on it. Protein molecules drive all the chemical reactions involved in the breakdown and absorption of food, including carbohydrates and fat. In other words, protein drives virtually all aspects of metabolism. Many studies, including some of my own, show that simply adding protein to your diet turns on your fat-burning/muscle-building switch, even if you make no other lifestyle changes. When I gave one group of body builders extra protein along with their normal diet, they gained two times as much muscle mass as a second group of bodybuilders doing exactly the same workout and eating the same diet but without the extra protein. When you're stuck in fat-storage mode, you need a powerful protein boost to jump-start your metabolism back into fat-burning mode. In most cases, you cannot easily get enough protein from food alone to do the job. To fill the protein gap, in addition to increasing protein consumption through food, I recommend a daily high-potency protein powder. It is a simple, safe, efficient way to repair your metabolism and build a lean, shapely body."
Muscle uses more calories to maintain itself than fat. Peole who are more muscular (and have a lower percentage of body fat) are said to have a higher metabolism than others that are less muscular.
Symptoms of slowed metabolism
Fatigue, feeling cold, dry skin, constipation, slow pulse and low blood pressure. These symptoms could be the result of a medical condition rather than low metabolism - MAKE SURE YOU SEE YOUR DOCTOR to rule out any type of medical problem.
How can I increase my metabolism?
Begin to exercise and stop dieting. You can increase your muscle mass by doing some type of resistance work (i.e. lifting weights, using exertubes, rubberbands, dynabands, hand weights, etc...). You can also decrease your level of body fat by doing some type of aerobic exercise at least 3 days a week for longer than 20 minutes. This is exercise such as walking, jogging, step aerobics, hi/low aerobics, biking, swimming, etc, that will increase your heartrate and keep it there for the duration of the exercise session. You also need to eat! Do not diet, jus****ch the types of foods you eat, and drink your protein!!