Do you regret for any reason??
I do. I am now at 146 pounds, still fat and stopped losing. I am happy to some degree about what I have lost. I regret everything though for one reason. My hubby has become very physical. I don't mean the good type either. A few weeks ago I was in the er room because of my arm. He had put me down on the floor very hard. I have been in a brace now for 4 weeks and have two more to go then I am suppose to go to physical therapy. Just last night, we got into it again. This time I did defend myself. But we both go hurt, but I wasn't going to set back and let him beat me either. I have a few buises, hurt my wrist more, and sore all over. It was never like this before I had this surgery. He is so angry now it seems. He is getting help but I don't know what to do. I can't leave because I don't have a job or a place to go. I am going today to see if I can get into a low income apartment. I will go there when he leaves to go to his pycho appointment. Anyway, I just was wondering if anyone else had regrets for any type of reason. Thanks for letting me talk.
Dear Toni,
First, run don't walk to the nearest Women's Shelter. Do not try to fend off an abuser.
Try not to regret your decision to be WLS because of this. This is just a symtom of a much deeper issue that was bound to raise it's ugly head. Many spouses become jealous and controlling because of their own insecurities. I hate to admit it, but my own Son became this way after my d-i-l had WLS. It is not your fault.
It is good that he is trying to get help, but you cannot risk staying in that situation in the meantime.
You and he are in my prayers. Take care & be safe
I totaly agree with Pam, run, as fast as you's only going to get worse. I do understand,because I was in an abusive relation about 12 years ago. I ran too, and had no money, no job, and no experience anywhere. I started my whole life over, (with a 6 week old daughter at the time). I am going to say that it isn't easy, but it was worth all the pain and hard times. I am now so happy in my life, with my daughter and my fairly new husband. I am happy that I had WLS, and you sould be too. You are doing great, and should feel good about yourself. Please find a shelter, report your husband to the police, show them your bruises, can only help you. Please find someone professional to talk to!!
I have to agree with all that has been said above having been in a very abusive relationship myself. Don't blame the WLS for the situation you are in. Only you can control what happens in that situation next. I say run and get out now while you've suffered little damage now. It's only going to get worse, trust me.
You have a chance to start a whole new wonderful life and now is the time to start. It will be tough, but you can do it. You will find the strength you need and you will do it. You will be amazed at how proud you will feel one day when you look back and realize that you did it all on your own and you don't need a man to depend on.
Come here for support anytime you need to.
Toni, I am so sorry about your situation. You and your family are in my prayers. I know it is easy for us to tell you to leave but you are headed in the right direction.
As for being 146 pounds that is awesome. I am at 170 (trying desperately to get in the 160' My goal is 150. I am very happy though and at a size 12 I feel very comfortable. You are doing awesome and I don't think your hubbie is abusive because of the surgery.
Keep your chin up and get whatever help you need. You can talk to us anytime!
Hugs, Hugs and more Hugs,
Toni, everyone esle says, do not walk to the nearest shelter, police station, church or whereever else you feel comfortable going. You must get out of that day it will be too late!! are gorgeous!! You picture is just beautiful.
Third...don't blame this on your surgery, or is his fault...not yours. There is no reason for anyone to hit or beat anyone else. That is his problem, not yours.
I have been there, done that...the whole speel...Please get help. You didn't say if there were children involved. Whether there is or not...please get out of this situation as fast as you can. Yes, it is love him. But, it will be best in the long run. ....And that is the truth!!
There are too many places that can help you...whether you have a job or not. You can do it!! You will be glad you did!!
Love and prayers,
Oh, Toni! ((hugs))
Please do not let finances keep you in an abusive situation. There are programs out there for battered women. You need to tap into your city/town resource pool. They will point you in the right direction and help you get the assistance you need.
One thing is for certain: You deserve better and you can leave. You can! Please don't let your decisions be tainted because of the financial aspect. There are grants and programs out there specifcally for women in your situation. Take advantage of these programs until you can get on your feet.
Please let us know how you make out!
See sweetie, I know you dont want Ashley in a shelter, but that might be your best option. You are moving in the right direction on getting out. It is not the surgery, it is him. Since we talk alot, and I know some of what is going on, it seems other things were bothering him way before your surgery. There is so much out there for help, not just shelters. You can contact an abusive shelter for women, that can also help you find other resources to help you out of that situation. How is the job hunting going? I hope you find something soon. Please dont stay with him till you feel financially stable, it could mean your life or Ashes. No parent wants their child to have to be in a shelter, but if it does come down to it, it is better than her seeing what is going on at home. Take care sweetie, and dont blame the surgery for his actions. You are doing great, and I love the pic!!!! Anthony says hello to you and Ash.- Melissa