Don't want to give up the Sugar!!!
Hi Everyone,
Well next week is my 1year (18th) and I have only lost 82 lbs. I guess I shouldn't say only. I'm still so much better off than I was a year ago. My doctor did not give me a goal weight, and I am not looking at being skinny either, just healthier. I just don't want to give up the sugar. I thought I would get sick eating it, but I really don't. If some of you could post a quick picker upper, I would appreciate it. I don't usually post on here, but looks like I need to come to this site more often. I need the support and I thank you all for yours.
Best Regards,
Hi Patti
My one year is on the 18th as well. Sugar is a demon hard to kick, I still find it hard to turn it away. Looking for alternative snack ideas is a good suggestion. When I want something sweet I find I have been turning to fruit a little more. One of my favorite snacks is sliced apple with some plain yogurt and a few honey roasted peanuts on top - yummie! Granted the peanuts are still sugary, but the quantity is low, and it's much less sugar than eating chocolate or cookies.
I have a hard time with the sugars as well, but just this weekend, I bought some strawberries, and I cut up about 4-5 strawberries, washed em, put em in a bowl, and sprinkled some splenda on them! YUMM! It helped my sweet tooth alot, and is alot healthier.
If you like berries, that's a great idea!