Frustrated and Disappointed.
My 1 year anniversary is coming up on Saturday, May 7th and I have not reached the century mark. But, I have reached my personal goal which was to be healthy. I went in to this knowing I would lose rapidly and get to goal with no problems quickly. Soooooooooo wrong. I started at 257 and my goal has always been to get to 150 and with plastic surgery for large panni and large breast I would probably get to 140 which is my utimate goal. Well today I weighed in at 178.5. I have been as low as 175 but bounced back up. Since the first of December the weight loss has been reallllllllllly slllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww. A couple of pounds a month at the most. Can any one else relate to this? I know I have not failed and will not fail at getting to my goal but I never thought it would be this slow or hard.
Just venting.
Love and Prayers
I feel your pain. I am losing so slow as well. I thought I would be at goal by now. Goal is 125 for me, I am short. I am losing like 2 pounds a month now and it is really hard to deal with. I hate this. Sometimes I wish I could have the surgery again to lose these pounds. I am still fat and I hate it. I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone.
My year anniversary was yesterday, May 3rd, and I have run into the same problem. I go for my year check up with my surgeon this afternoon and I was going to talk to him about the big slow down in weight loss. I was told that I would plateau around 6 months post op and here it is a year later and I've plateaued. I have lost 113 pounds and have 54 more to go. Just wanted you to know that you are not alone. I'm so glad I opened you posting 'cuz it feels good to know others are having the same issue. I'm with you, I know I'll get there it just went sooooo fast at the beginning and now it takes forever.
First let me look wonderful! You really have come a long way and should be proud. That said. I feel your pain too. I am losing pretty slowly too and find being able to eat everything a real challenge. I really need to learn to eat the right things. I went off my daily protein shake two days ago thinking I could use the calories on real food only to find my energy level low and I put on a pound. So I think it is a daily reminder to make the right choices. This is no different than when we were heavier but we got fooled by how easy it was losing so fast. I think that is why we need each other. We are all in this together and need to help one another stay on track. Hang in there and keep the faith. It will come off and you will reach your goal. Don't let the ability to eat larger portions fool you into the oh I don't need to remember the PVWs or Protein, Vitamins, Water routine. Stay on track and remain focused...I really am preaching to myself not you! Sorry for being preachy.
Big hugs!
I'm right there with ya! I lost down to 177 which put me at the 105 mark but then gained back up to 192
I upped my protein and after a month I was back down to 187 according to my phcp. I went to see my surgon for my 1 year check up and was back up to 189.
My surgon put me on fen-a-something or other to curb my appitite because I'm supposed to lose down to 140. I hope this works! He told me that the way I'm eating now would be great if I was at my goal... but I'm soooo not even close. So it's back to the basics for me with a little help from my new little blue pill. So far so good... this morning according to my scales I was down to 183.
I'm sure we'll do great...
At the least we feel better!
Keep Smiling

Hi my one year anniversay is coming up may 12th and I lost 100lb am in the same boat I hit my plato and I have'nt lost any weight,it's been two week soooooooo am feeling your pain they told me that I would be going down to 160lb and am no were there am down to 188lb and it's frustrating
I know am not going to fail because I had open surgary and the scar is a reminder so am ther with you so keep your head up and my prayer are with you.
stay slim and keep a smile
love wanda
I am right there with you. I think I would be doing great if I was at my goal the way I am eating right now. But, it is not doing a thing to my losing anything.
My stomach pouch was a little bigger than normal, the doctor said, so I would lose slower. I can't wait till summer vacation...I am a teacher...and I am starting my walking routine again. I know that will help, and I am hoping to get the rest of the 70 pounds off this summer. It has been frustrating since October for me!!!!!!!

Just thought I'd sneak in and post this, which has helped me a lot!
Hang in there. Getting back on track with HIGH protein, LOW carbs and LOTS of water is doing the trick for me... still working on the exercise which is my weak point... ack!
What happened? Do you feel as if the wheels fell off your car while you were cruising the freeway? One minute you're losing 10 pounds a week and suddenly you haven't lost a single pound in an entire month! Relax... welcome to what everyone calls a 'plateau'. After dropping a large amount of weight your body is trying to preserve it's comfortable blanket of fat and is doing what it can to stop the massive weight loss.
This is where all the old self doubt creeps in, and we jump to the conclusion that we are going to be the only one who doesn't lose weight with this surgery. Don't worry, if you keep on track, getting in plenty of protein, keeping your carb count low, and drinking copious amounts of water to flush your body, you will continue to lose, albeit in smaller but still steady amounts over the next months. Every little bit adds to your total and gets you closer to goal. My surgeon makes it clear that the first hundred pounds is his job, but the rest is up to us.
Now is where that plan for high protein, low carbs, and vitamins comes into play. You were supposed to initiate a change in your relationship with food during the last phase, but you can regroup now and pick up the pace. Calculate your protein needs; you need roughly a little more than half a gram of protein per pound of ideal body weight. A woman who should weight about 145 pounds needs about 83 grams of protein a day to maintain good health. (The actual calculation is 'Ideal Weight' ÷ 2.2 × 1.25grams of protein = Protein Needs). If you can't physically eat this much protein, which would entail eating 10-12 ounces of chicken, fish, eggs or cheese a day, you will need to find protein supplements that you like in order to give yourself that protein boost. If you go for months without adequate protein you will get very tired, have little energy and experience extended hair loss. Stick to your plan and the weight will slowly start to come off again and you will begin to feel strong and very mu*****ontrol.
Now is also a great time to start moving around and getting some exercise if you didn't bother while you were losing quickly and it all seemed a bit too easy. Your body can move more freely after dropping such a large amount of weight, and getting your metabolism up and running will increase your weight loss and make you even stronger.
Stallers 7months-12months

Hi Emma, my 1 yr is next Wednesday.I just looked at my profile and relized that it took me 5months to loose 145lbs and it has taken me 6 to loose 25 and for the last 2 it really hsnt moved.It's very frustrating.I have upped my protein,water and am now excercising.I am just gonna pray the scale starts moving faster or at all would be nice.I figure if I cut out even the sugar free cookies and Ice cream ,I will do better .I had gotten into that's like giving an alcholic a drink ,you just get hooked on the stuff all over again.I know with me before you know it you are eating more of those things instead of protein.So I have gone back to basics myself....if it works(which I'm sure it will) I will let you know.Good Luck and thanks for letting me spill my heart out.
God Bless,Angi