food tolerence
I am doing so well weight=wise, having lost about 147 since entering the program and 119 since surgery a year ago. I find my volume tolerence to be still decreasing and I am still not able to tolerate raw vegetables like salad or celery, or carrot stix. How bout anyone out there? I am surely not complaining because I have a life at 61 that I never dreamed possible. I took up cross country skiing during the winter!!!!! But I love salad and with the summer coming...... I would love to be able to partake in salads fresh from the garden. Su Ellia
GREAT JOB ON your weight loss
I can eat raw veggies, but only a little, my pouch doesn't like them much. I eat salads, but I make them with turkey and ham on it, and egg, and then I only eat a few bites of the lettuce. I get sick and horrible pouch pains if I eat too much raw veggies. May 1/2 oz to an ounce max!! You just have to learn your limits, and enjoy what you can!!