Hi all~~
It's officially my one year anniversary~~and OH what a year it's been. I couldn't be happier with what this weight loss has done for me. I feel like I'm alive!
I took a graduate course this year~~I had put it off for several years because I didn't think I fit in the desks. It was sooo much fun being on campus again. I feel like I have sooo many more opportunities ahead of me.
I'm more active with my family. My hubby and I even went to Jamaica to celebrate~~I would never get on an airplane before cuz I wasn't comfortable sitting in the seats or goin to the bathroom--CRAZY I know.
I'm not so tired anymore~~
I'm soo happy I did this!!
Best wishes to all of you!!
Penny B
Happy Re-Birthday! You are doing a great job Sounds like you had a great time in Jamaica!!! Wow, I would love to be there, right now!!! Anyway, hope your journey continues on with all the success in the world!