Monday's Eating!!!
Morning all!!!! I did pretty good this weekend excersized and am sore and have fallen off the eat good wagon a little lately and am back on track...the weekends are the worst for me i do good during the week..but on the weekend i go crazy and really just snack all the time....missed you goes the week..
B - Protein shake
L - chicken,veggie soup and yogurt
S - Protein bar
D - Soup
hopefully no snack and water water water and vitamins taking them right now...have a great monday!!!!
I totally understand, I fell of the wagon this weekend too (with Passover)
But I am back too!
B - 8 oz carb countdown milk with unjury protein (32 grams protein)
S - lite yogurt (7 grams)
L - gefilte fish (approx. 5-6 oz and approx 25-30 grams protein)
D - julien salad I am making (lettuce, eggs, turkey and ham, cucumber, tomato, and green peppers)
Hope you have a nice week.

Is that why there are not many posts on the weekends, lol. By the way sweetie you look great!! Love the updated pic. Ok I lost 1 lb, so the scale says. As for my food
B- 1 cup shredded wheat with 1/2 cup milk
S- serving of s/f choc pudding with half scoop of protein powder
L- half of a no sugar added peanut butter and s/f jelly sandwich- yuck my tummy doesnt like that today!
S- detour protein bar
D- I will have a protein drink and maybe some low carb yogurt later. - Melissa
ready to fuss at me again?? I actually thought I was doing good until I went to fitday. OMG!!! Terrible!!!
B skipped. Slept in again.
L 1\2 ham and swiss cheese sandwhich, 3 fries
D 2 breaded but baked fish fillets on low carb bread, 3 reduced fat chips
S 1\2 cup almonds, cc strawberry banana smoothie.
With those almonds, I am hitting over 1100 cals. That is 400 something cals for 1\2 cup. YUCK!!! The fish didn't help and it isn't doing so hot right now on my tummy. Gross!!! It hurts!! Boo Hoo!! Due to back issues, I can't really do anything as far as working out. He has me doing some kind of lifting just from my chest. Feels like a push up but my butt is still on the ground. He won't let me walk that fast or far right now. He said that he sees a gastric bypass pat. at least once a month. That is a new one each month due to back pain. My X rays showed something. I don't remember what he called it though. He did say that I was very flexable and he was surprised. He hadn't seen anyone in a while as flexable as I am. I just had to laugh!!!!! Talk to you later. I'll call you soon and tell you the whole ordeal.
Love, tonya
Them fries are gonna get ya, lol. What is this with GBS patients and back pain? My back has been killing me today, and it is my upper back which is weird, since my lower back is what usually hurts, when I get my back pain though my chest hurts too. Harry says I probably slept wrong or on it funny. Talk to you later sweetie- Melissa