11 months now!
Wow, it has been an incredible 11 months, almost a year, and I feel better now that I have in 20 years.
I have updated my profile, and under 4/18/05, I have added my 11 month post-op photo. This was taken at the Bar Mitzvah I was at 2 weeks ago. I recently got my hair cut, because my hair was so unhealthy from falling out so much, it's thinned alot. My hair looks great, and now I need another photo to add. Anyway, I guess I will update at my 1 year anniversary for all of you to let you know what's been going on.
I haven't
and I am at work now. I have a huge meeting with my dad (he's the boss), and I am stressing so bad. I have always respected him, therefore it is very difficult to come out and talk to him about my feelings and objectives. Please pray for me that this goes well. I know he's going to get mad at yell, but oh well, I can't keep things inside anymore.
Sorry this was so long, I guess I needed to vent a little today. Anyway, please take a look at my profile.

WOW!!! You are doing amazing. My goal is also 130, and I seem to be stuck at 145 right now. I can't wait to get below 140. Hopefully by next month. I want to get to goal so bad, yet I don't mind having a slow loss right now. I feel great and that's what matters! You're doing something right!! That's for sure
Keep it up.