OPPs I did it again ..
Yepper I passed out again yesterday ,... Just like I did at Christmas time .. from what you ask .. No protein and lack of fluids .. I was so busy yesterday at work , I forgot to eat my snack ... and drink my fluids .. I ended up at the ER ---- again .. They treated me for stress .. but the real diagnosis came from Dr.Gantz - the OBESITY HELP CHAPTER DIRECTOR .. We had a session last night for team leaders and she had this happen to her last week .. same thing .. only to learn that she had skipped part of her daily regime of water and protein .... Now stress adds to it as well .. but you would think I had learned my lesson ..
So if you are reading this .. and you think you can skip meals .. not get in your 140 grams of protein .. yes I said 140 grams .. ( our bodies do not absorb it all ) think again .. Get in that 64 ounces of water .. with out it you can not even distribute the protein chains .. and you have waisted what you ate ...
I will be posting later on the lesson we had last night on nutrician .. I hope you all find it beneficial .
Love and Huggles to you ,
OH NAT......I am so glad you are ok!!! It gives us a little lesson. HOLY MOLY....140g??? My surgeon only said 60g and I have issues getting in that much.....maybe this is why I am only losing 1lb a month. I haven't drank protein in forever. I tried the fuzzy navel nectar the other day and about lost it!!!lol I usually drink zero carb Isopure vanilla but all I have is the chos. It is good but actually causes me to dump slightly for some reason. I will get on the ball to try to prevent this from happening to me.....especially since the last 2 days I have had a million dizzy spells....maybe I should get a clue. AGain....I am SO glad you are ok!
Julie S.
Julie ,
I just posted about protein and why we need it . I know this is why I am not been feeling good. I took the time and emailed a bunch of 2 year out patients here and all of them get in this much . And contribute their maintaining to it as well .
I love Nectar - I do the Lemon Tea now .. and I love it . Try the Achieve coffee drinks from Bariatriceating.com if you like coffee . They are great and loaded with protein .
Take care ,
The lemon tea sounds great....I will have to see if I can aquire a sample of it somewhere. I drink the s/f lemon tea generic crystal lite all day. I completely believe you about the protein...it was just a huge shock to hear it. I guess because I obviously get in way less then half of that. I don't really like coffee unless it is like the french vanilla cappachino type of flavor. Thank you again for always postign just wonderful information. I don't know what I would do with out all of you.
Julie S.
Why do we need 140g? That seems like alot!!! Then you add all the extra calories in, how will we lose weight? Wouldn't we maintain? I am not ready to maintain. I usually get in 60-90 grams of protein and 700-1000 calories a day as is. Just curious, if you could help me understand, because my doc says that my eating and calories and protein intake are great!

***** Please keep in mind this was part of my chapter training led by Dr.Gantz . Your surgeon has his own protocol = but these are what her findings are on this subject .*****
If I drink protein shakes and eat too, won't I gain weight from the added calories?
Eating a low calorie diet actually slows down your metabolism.
Diets containing more protein can reduce the drop in metabolic rate seen with low calorie diets.
To lose fat, you need to cut down on calories, to consume less energy than you expend. But. Here is the problem. Your body responds to this drop in food intake by slowing your metabolic rate, to keep you alive, which makes fat loss increasingly difficult.
Our ancestors had to deal with large variations in the availability of food. Those who survived were the ones whose bodies could adjust to this fluctuation in food availability. Those, whose bodies couldn't adjust, died.
The result?
Our bodies want to hold on to our stores of energy for survival. It thus preserves fat by lowering the metabolic rate whenever food intake drops.
High protein diets reduce the drop in metabolic rate, and also lead to a greater feeling of fullness.
Dr Scott Connelly writes in, "Body Rx: pages 18-19...."Why do MASS protein? To escape fat-storage mode, you have to eat more protein.
If you want to shut down your metabolism and stay in fat-storage mode permanently, stay on the standard diet prescription- the high-carb, low-protein, low-calorie, low-fat diet. Protein is the key metabolic currency of the body. Your body was designed to run on it. Protein molecules drive all the chemical reactions involved in the breakdown and absorption of food, including carbohydrates and fat. In other words, protein drives virtually all aspects of metabolism. Many studies, including some of my own, show that simply adding protein to your diet turns on your fat-burning/muscle-building switch, even if you make no other lifestyle changes. When I gave one group of body builders extra protein along with their normal diet, they gained two times as much muscle mass as a second group of bodybuilders doing exactly the same workout and eating the same diet but without the extra protein. When you're stuck in fat-storage mode, you need a powerful protein boost to jump-start your metabolism back into fat-burning mode. In most cases, you cannot easily get enough protein from food alone to do the job. To fill the protein gap, in addition to increasing protein consumption through food, I recommend a daily high-potency protein powder. It is a simple, safe, efficient way to repair your metabolism and build a lean, shapely body."
Muscle uses more calories to maintain itself than fat. Peole who are more muscular (and have a lower percentage of body fat) are said to have a higher metabolism than others that are less muscular.
Nat I am so glad you are ok!! Dont do that again, we need you here. Wow I really need to watch for you lesson posts. 140 grams of protein!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My surgeon has me on 65 now, and 60 before I found out I was pregnant!!!! CAn you talk with the director and see what he says about protein and being pregnant post GBS? My drs say I am doing fine, and I will have more lab work done on the 19th of this month- Melissa
Thanks sweetie, It will be interesting to se what she says. I am doing good. I am getting annoyed with eating and feeling sick. I have to lay down all the time till it settles. I am almost tempted to go to a liquid diet with pudding and jello, and just use my protein powder for a little bit. I am very happy I have not gotten sick and lost my nutrients I get in, but feeling qweezy all the time when I eat is just like getting sick, it just isnt coming up I just feel miserable. I go to the OB on the 19th and will talk to him about all the protein, and will call my surgeon too. That way I can get all the input from the different people and pick what I think I can do. I know more protein will not hurt me, so if he says I am ok at 65g I am still going to try for more. I would just like to see the difference in professionals. The big thing for me is the money to buy more protein powder, which I will have to do. I just cant get it all in with only my foods especially now with my tummy always upset. Besides the yucky feelings, we are doing great!! My DH almost has my pool ready so I can start exercising better. He said he realizes I am a fish and need my pond if I am going to get any exercise, LOL. Let me know what your friend says, I really appreciate it. Please keep us informed all this important info you are getting. I also need to get your email, so when I have the ultrasounds done I can send you pics, I seem to have your old one, it says it can not be delivered, lol.- Melissa