Hi there! I'm having a bad day so I figured if I could put it in words and see it on paper I would be more forceful to make sure I get in my nutrients! I am not sure but the past 2 days I have not been hungry at all! Yesterday at 12 noon I ate tuna / mayo on top of lettuce with shredded cheese on top and 3 crackers. I had to make my self eat it. then last night at 6 I ate chicken parmigiana. took 4 bites and couldn't eat it. I did fine drinking yesterday unlike today! so for today here it is
1 O'Clock 1/3 pc of a chicken breast.
And thats it! here it is 7 O'Clock and I really just don't want to eat. Maybe its the change in the weather?? Hubby and I just got back from walking the track at the high school and my adrenaline is up so high and i feel awesome! I honestly believe i could go all day and not eat anything! This has got to stop My body needs its protein. If I don't have my appetite back by tomorrow I am going to call the Dr. I hope this is just a phase like i had when i first had the surgery.
thanks for giving me an open door to vent!
Have a happy Sunday!
Another bad day. We went grocery shopping today and spent WAY to much money. At least I won't have to go for at least a month or two. LOL Okay, Today I had
B skipped. Stayed up to late with hubby playing Sonic on the playstation.
L 1\2 hamburger and 5 fries
S 1 small banana
D we took buggie to the park, so we grilled out. I ate 1\2 of a hot dog and 1 small hamburger
S will be cc smoothie. Need to get the protein up. And I might have a glass of cc chocolate milk to add more protein.
Buggie is on spring break this week so we have planned many days at the park with picnics. And of course playing on the play ground. LOL Can you see a 31 year old lady playing on the play ground? LOL