anyone Not lost 100 yet?
I'm wallowing. I know i'm wallowing, but i hope there is another may person out there who has not yet hit the 100 pound mark. weight loss has always been slow for me, both before and after surgery. I have gained and loss 100+ pounds 2 previous times and hoping this one is the last.
I had surgery on 5/13/04 weighing at 301 and now am at 222. Everyone is zooming by me and it's hard not to feel discouraged.
anyone out there with me?
I too have not lost 100 lbs. I lost 82 lbs to date, my surgery was on May 7th, 2004. At first I was very discouraged but now I just say I am what I am. I have only 25 lbs to my personal goal, then with a tummy tuck and breast reduction I should be around 140 I think and that will make me very happy.
I just wish you continued good luck and I really believe it will come off.
Love and Prayers
have no're not the only one. i am only down 70-something pounds. i am the 6th of 8 people in my family to have this surgery done. i thought i would be the most successful of them all. WRONG. i excersize, i don't drink pop, i don't eat any sugar, and i have NEVER dumped. WHAT'S THE DEAL??? i did protein shakes, i eat protein bars, i drink my water, i take all my vitamins/calcium/iron/b-12. maybe this is just the way i'm supposed to be??? i'm 5'8" and fluxuate between 240-245. i started at 315. gonna be a year soon for us all and i'm concerned that this is it. i gotta say i feel GREAT, and move better, do things that i wouldn't/couldn't before, and am glad i had the surgery. i just didn't get the results i had been convinced i would have. i'm still losing....SLOWLY....but losing non-the-less. so i'll take what i can and keep going. i read this board EVERYDAY. i used to post all the time, but now i'm embarassed by how little i've lost in comparison and don't feel i have the right to post advice to anyone when they are way ahead of me. so i remain a reader only. thank you for posting this amanda. glad to know i'm not the only one. take care. cheryl
i havent i started at 297 and am around 199 steadily now..but im getting there...if we are doing what we are supposed to the wgt. will come off in good time we aren't even a year out so we are doing great use it as motivation to get busy doing things your supposed to (for me that would be excersiz) or stop doing things your not supposed to..quit being so hard on yourself..well get there...
(deactivated member)
on 3/30/05 9:09 am - OH
on 3/30/05 9:09 am - OH
Amanda I am right there with you. I have lost 78 lbs and I also
get very depressed and discouraged when others are hitting the
century mark. I started at 255.5 and now weight 177.5 and my
Dr. thinks I should be at 135. I am 5' 3".
I too have not reached 100 lbs yet. It is very discouraging. Surgery was 5/18/2004 started at 261, as of today i am down to 164 thats just 97 lbs. My doc says that now I am down the the hard part, Change what I eat and my exersice habits to see results. Well I did, and this month I have lost 3.5 lbs. (no loss since Jan).
Although i am happy with the results, I would still like to be closer to 125-130 (my personnal goal) I see my doc next week for my annual checkup. Will have to get his opinion.
Remember the surgery is just a tool, you have to work at it to get results!!! You know the saying "NO pain, NO gain" How true!!!!
260/164 goal 125
Hi Amanda, Don't feel bad. I have been on a two month plateau and stayed at around -96 pounds. The scales are finally moving and now I am at -99. One more measely little pound. But I am happy!!!! I was in a very tight 22-24 pants and 3X top to begin with--I am now in size 12 and some are getting loose. I want to lose 21 more pounds but people say that I will blow away and look unhealthy if I lose anymore. They look at me and say "Where is it going to come from?" LOL!!!
Take care--Sandra

Hi Amanda and Others,
I'm right there with you all. I had surgery on 5/25/04 weighing 244.5 and now weigh 153. I am thrilled to say that I am in the normal category for bmi, but I still want to lose a few more pounds. I would like to lose at least 8 1/2 more so I can say I lost 100. If I never lose another pound I will still be thrilled with my outcome.