HELP HELP!!!!!!!!
Hi Janette, I am sorry to hear you are having a little trouble staying on track. I am a big snacker also and I am an accountant so I sit all day also. I work out when the kids are in bed at 8:30 pm. I also bring "good" snacks to munch on if I feel the need to at work. Like today for example, I brought a low carb yoguart smoothie, low carb canned peaches and once in a while i will have a handful of pretzles or crackers. I also try to have a protien shake or bar for one of my meals because I am not a big eater also. I figure the chips and popcorn is what got me in this trouble in the first place. I hope this helps and all you can do is give it a good try. You have come so far already. You are doing great! E-mail me if you need a friend. I live in Florida so too far to visit with you.
There are so many of us that know exactly where you are coming from!
I had my surgery on 5/3/2004. I had a BMI of 48 when I had surgery. It is now in the high 20s. I was losing weight at an awesome rate, with NO exercise, I must ashamedly admit. Well then my father passed in December and I didn't eat for 4 days. I had been plateaued for over 3 months. So I went back to the basics. I already drink a ton of water, but I bought a 64oz container to take to work to drink water. I keep that on my desk, no snacks! Also went back to doing a protein drink with my vitamins every morning.
I finally even got myself motivated to exercise. My husband has an XBox at home, and they have a fitness game called YourselfFitness. It's like having your own little personal trainer right at home. You put in your stats and your goals, and if you have fitness equipment at home, like hand weights or one of those fitness balls, you can put it in and she will incorporate it into the workout. It also has many concentrations to choose from, including upper body strength,lower body strength, core strength, flexibility, cardio, and weight loss. This has solved my problem, I mean, what excuse do I have when she is right there to help me work out whenever I can fit it in? She keeps track of your workouts and goals, and as you advance, you are rewarded just like any other video game, you 'unlock' new spas and stuff like that. It also has Yoga and Pilates.
It has been helpful for me to have it. I like it especially because it is like having a workout video, but even better but because no 2 workouts are ever the same, so you don't get bored easily. And finally I have a 1 in front of my weight number!
Hope it all helps. Don't give up!!!!!!!!!