HELP HELP!!!!!!!!
Ok I hope that this does not get to long, but I think if I type it and see it for myself then maybe something will hit me in the head and open my eyes!!!!! I had my surgery May 7, 2004 almost a year now. I have only lost 83 pounds. I weighed 297 when I had surgery and now I weigh 214. I have gone from a size 34 to a 16-18 in some clothes. Now don't get me wrong I am very happy about that. But here goes the bad stuff. I can pretty much eat what ever I want, candy, chips crackers. popcorn. I hardly ever get sick unless I have just had a little too much candy. Now I really do not eat a lot of candy because I do not care for it that much, my problem is the chips, crakers, popcorn, and things like that. It is very easy for me to eat because I sit at a desk all day and answer phones. I always tell myself no junk food today, but I can never seem to get through the day without eating it. It just seems that my will power has just went right out the door. Now I hardly ever sit and eat a full meal. I cannot get in much meat at all. I would rather have my veggies before my meat, because it hurts a lot of times going down. Like yesterday I tried some rost beef at my mom's and I took a few bites and ended up running to the bathroom because it hurt so bad and I needed it to come out. Now I know you have to chew very well, and I did but it seems like everytime I try to eat meat like that it does not want to go down. On most days I eat maybe one meal a day at most of the time that is dinner with my kids, and I do not eat that much. My 17 month old and I share a plate at dinner, and most of the time we do not empty a plate (she does not eat very much) I do not eat very much at one time, it is just te things that I do eat. I do not exersize, most of the time by the time I get off of work and get the kids. I am so exausted I do not feel like doing anything. I could really use some type of buddy that lives close to me that I could talk too and maybe go walking with. If anyone that reads this lives close to Humble please come and be my friend. I could really use some friends that know what I am going through!!!!!!!!!!
If I lived near you I'd come walk with you.
I feel the same way that you do. I hit my plateau about three months ago. I had lost 95 lbs. Since then I've only lost 4 lbs. BUT it has been in the past two weeks. I started walking in the evenings by myself and I bought a punching bag (it was more for therapy reasons than working out but I REALLY does a number on me!) I snack all day too, it's hard to stop. And I've eaten nothing but meat meat meat for months that I hate it and would just prefer to eat nothing but fruits and veggies. I was a size 22/24 when I started and now I'm a 14/16... I'm happy but I want more.
We're in this boat together... Maybe we should start a "What did you do to exercize today" instead of a "what did you eat today" thread.... Acutally, I think I will!
Good luck to you!
I think that is a good idea but I will not be able to reply to because I do not exercize!!!!!! I want to I just do not seem to have the will to get up and do it. Like I said by the time I get the kids and get home I am so tired I do not feel like doing anything!!! I have even signed up for the 30 day trial for Bally's and have never gone I have signed up twice for that. It is just getting my but up and doing it!!!!
HI Janette,
I can hear your frustration loud & clear...... But I have to say.. You MUST eat Protein and you MUST eat your 3 meals a day.
I know that finding a protein that goes down easily can be difficult & frustrating, but you need the protein. If you actually schedule your meals & eat them you will find you have less room for the popcorn, cracker, etc. Also -- how about bringing Healthy, High Protein snacks to work in stead of the "other" stuff? Surprizingly BEEF JERKY goes down very well. When I was first post op I kept reading this on this board & thought people where nuts --- how can I digest Beef Jerky, but not a pc of chicken??? Well, much to my amazement they were right. I think it must be all the processing. Just chew well. Also, nuts, cheese sticks. How about a Protein Bar? Q Smart bars are good , 10 gr of protein only 120 calories -- great for keeping at the desk.
From day one I have scheduled all of my meals, even when I was on full liquids. Then once on food, I've continued to do this. Make sure, no matter what, I eat something for breakfast, lunch & dinner. I have to say I haven't had cravings & snacking is minimal.
You've come along way,
Your posting sounds like a posting I should have wrote. I know what you mean about having a desk job and snacking all day. That's me. It's also really scary that things I eat do not make me sick. I kind of wish they would.
Exercising is very hard to get motivated to do. Maybe you could try walking. Nothing drastic. Do you have a mall close by. I have been walking in a mall over the winter months and it seems to help a little bit although I am just kind of stuck at 97 pounds. I want to be in the "century" club so bad I can taste it but the scales just won't move.
I wished I lived closer to you also so I could call you up and see if you were ready to go for a walk.
Hang in there and just keep telling yourself - tomorrow's another day and tomorrow morning try again to not eat the junk food and tell yourself you're going to eat right. I'll try to do the same.
Goodluck (to both of us).
Honey you are not alone!! I am one who can eat anything also, and dont exercise. I am so tired all the time, and havent seen any change in my energy since surgery. I started at 298lbs I am now at 183lbs and I wear 18's. I am very happy with my success so far, but I am also not happy with where I am. I am still so far from goal. I have been lucky with getting meats down. I also do protein drinks to help get in my protein everyday. I thought I chewed and chewed, and felt it get stuck and like I couldnt breath, so I started chewing even more, almost to a complete liquid, and it stopped. Now I can eat meats just fine with no problems. It would be great to have a walking buddy!! Hey with todays technology, cant we all get on line a walk and talk and see eachother on cam or something, lol!! Try harder to get your protein in, I know it isnt always easy. As for the snacks, I get bad at times and need snacks. I have got rid of my chips, and made sure I have veggies like carrots and broccoli and yogurt and string cheese so that when I do snack, I am snacking better. The occasional sweet treat gets in and I dont beat myself up about it I just try harder the next day. Keep up the good work, you will lose more, we are just at points where we are plateauing, and slowing down. We do have to work harder now. Especially with the exercising. YOur doing great sweetie, keep it up!- Melissa
Hi Janette!
Hey, we are all there with you!! We may not be right next door...but, we are here!!
I am exactly the same way!! I can eat anything!! And, I have been saying the last several weeks...we need some type of surgery on this head voice that tells us we want to eat!! Ugh!! I have started posting my food on it is awesome. You just list your foods...and it adds up the calories and protein, and carbs and all that stuff. Boy, have I watched what I have put into my mouth since I have been doing this!!
Exercise is a must! I am the same way when I come home...but, I feel so much better when I exercise!! Start off 5 or ten minutes at a time. walk...go to the store and park in the furthest parking spot. That is at least 5 or so minutes...there and back!! Go window shopping before you go home!! Take the kids. Do it creatively...ask them, if you had $100.00 what would you buy in the windows??? What if you only had $5.00...make it fun. Then you are getting your walk in, and time with your kids, and a lesson in economics. Hee Hee.
When my kids were young...they loved going walking with me. Now that they are older...not so much!! So take advantage of the time spent together!!
When you are at your desk...bring healthy snacks!! And leave your money at home. That is what I have to do at school. Our cafeteria feeds us teachers just way too good. Extra portions, yum, yum. But, if I don't have the money with me...I can't buy it!! So I take my food with me. Also, when I cook at home, I put small portions in small containers and freeze them...all I have to do is grab it out of the freezer...and I have lunch.
Hopefully, this will give you some ideas, along with everyone else's. Feel free to email me anytime you need some encouraging!!

:cool Thank you all so much ladies. You know I got up this morning and I had made some beans in the crockpot last night I got up made some hamburger to put in them brought those to work. I got some string cheese at the store yesterday I brought that with me. Now I did make my protein shake this morning, BUT ladies I really have a problem keeping it down. I cannot stand sweet drinks it really makes me sick to my stomach, so I watered it down with some 2% milk. I drank about half of it and started feeling really sick. I have tried so many protein drinks, and snacks that are out there. I just cannot seem to keep any of them down!!!! I have even tried the no taste ones, but come on how can they say that those have no taste, because I sure can taste something and it is NASTY!!!! The one I am trying now is muscle milk, it is way to sweet!!! so any ways for breakfest I am going to have some pineapple chuncks, the for a snack today I will have string cheese, and for lunch I brought my beans, and then maybe I will have another pice of string cheese, and for dinner I am making BBQ chicken wings. So ladies how does that sound. Oh and it is suppose to be really pretty here today so after I get off of work the kids and I are going to go walk to the park that is almost a mile away from our house. Again ladies THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR UNDERSTANDING!!!!!
Janette :help