Are you OK....
Cassie- I have heard frommany people on how their family has sad they dont seem happy anymore. Not sure if it is just the new change, or us wanting to get to our goal weights so bad, we just arent happy till we get there. I havent noticed too much of a change in me mentally, how ever I had panic attacks before the surgery, so my mental status has not been so good from the get go, lol. Hope youg et more replies to help you with this.- Melissa
My emotional issues acutally don't stem from my weight. I had problems before but I always thought that they were triggered by my self esteem issues and body image issues. Now that I don't concern myself with them and I feel normal body wise, the depression and anxiety is still there but for other reasons. It seems that after surgery when my hormone levels started to change that it triggered my problems and they escalated. I started going to counseling and my therapists is great. I was just wondering if I was the only one that this happened to.
Aww hun I am sure you are not the only one. I am glad you are seeing a councelor and therapist. They can help so much. I hope everything gets under control, and you can find the underlying reason you are feeling this way. The brain is a complex thing, and it can be anything from hormones, chemical imbalance to things that are just in your everyday life. Best wishes for you sweetie- Melissa
I am ok...although there are some who would argue that fact...hee hee.
But, then I have always been very positive!!
Yeah, I am one of those happy people.
But, my selfesteem has really gotten so much better. And, I react to people better, I react to my students better....they even notice the difference!! And, I just have a bounce in my people have told me.
But, I do take "happy pills" I started those about two years ago...Paxil.
When I forget them for two days or out...I am the biggest witch with a "b"!! So, maybe you need a little help from the doctor. I have no problems with admitting I need a little help. I have learned, since I am older, that you might as well admit it, get the help you need, and everyone, including yourself is a lot happier!! :cap:
Good luck!!

Hey Cassie -
In some ways the surgery has helped with many of the issues that I had prior to surgery but some others that took a back seat as a pre-op have come more to the forefront now as a post-op.
From what you said you're doing good with a therapist and that's great. Have you done much in the way of testing hormones? Has anyone recommended a endocrynologist? I am just asking because I know in my case the feelings I get are/were amplified if my hormones were off. The big one being the thyroid hormones. It might be good to ask your doctor about that if you haven't done so all ready.
The reason I suggested an endocrynologist is that I farted around with my PCP (two actually), a surgeon (thought I had a hernia???), and a urologist for more than a year before seeing a endocrynologist. He was great and figured out what was going on in terms of hormones, which helped in other areas.
Good luck, and no you are not alone.