Dumb question?
Okay, I know a lot of you supplement your diets with protein shakes still. I do too because I can't EAT that much protein in a day!! But.........I was wondering, I know we are not supposed to drink before and after we eat so that our pouches can absorb the optimum amount of protein, but what about protein drinks? Do we have to wait to drink any liquids after those also? I know this is a stupid question, but I have been really concentrating on my protein and water to get my weight loss going again and this kind of stumped me. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!

I am no expert but what I understand is we are not to drink before or after as it will wash the food out of our pouch and we will feel hungry quicker. So, to answer your question I do not wait to long after drinking my protein drink before drinking water or other fluids as I feel the liquid will go through the pouch the same no matter what kind of liquid it is. Just my humble opinion.
Keep up the good work.
Love and Prayers
The idea of not drinking with meals is so you can not get around limiting your food intake. If you drink and eat, yes the pouch does empty. But the nutrition isn't the issue, the issue is that now you can eat more. So instead of eating your 6-8 oz of food you eat 14-20 oz.
The drinking with protein supplements question came up a couple of times at both my nutrition classes and support group meetings. The protein (amino acids) are abosorbed by the intestines so it doesn't matter how long it stays in the pouch as far as that goes. I usually wait to drink because I tend to feel fuller longer.