Hair Loss/Re-growth
Just wondering for those of you who had hairloss after surgery... have you already seen or do you see now all these little hairs sticking up on your head? Currently I have all these 1 inch hairs popping up... I guess it's re-growth and not split hair. I still notice some hairloss though.
Anyone else?

I dont see any new regrowth, but it doesnt seem to be getting thinner thank goodness. It will be interesting to see if I grow much hair during this pregnancy, since hairloss runs in my family early, and this surgery has helped thin it alot. I still see my scalp when I style my hair. It is just so thin. Sounds like yours is regrowing, that is great!! I hope to see less thinning soon- Melissa
I'm to the point that it looks as if I have bangs. I have naturally curly hair and on rainy days my regrowth is VERY apparent! I have little fuzzies sticking up everywhere. I'm still seeing some loss as well but it's prob only an eighth of what it was. I'm getting married in September and I just hope that my hair has gotten through all the regrowth stages by then.
Yep, me too...lots of little hairs sticking out the morning I look like one of those troll dolls...LOL...ok, not really that bad, but...definately sticking up everywhere. And the loss had decreased dramatically. I have always sheaded, so i think I am back to what I normally shead. Had anyone had any problems with REALLY REALLY dry skin, hair, scalp...that's the problem I am battling right now.
..... YES, YES AND YES.... I have always had MAJOR dry skin. I even have doctor's prescribed lotion to help that. So as long as I use it, it's not too bad. But the other day I noticed little bumps on my scalp and I kept rubbing them and then the whole scalp started itching... it was driving me nuts... I just thought maybe I didn't rinse good enough... even thought of doing a Hot Oil treatment, but my hairs so fine and flat as it is... I didn't want to look like a grease head
what's a girl to do......