Been under the weather ... sorry .. but here ya go !
1) If you could meet 1 male and 1 female, past or present, in the *MOVIE* Industry, who would it be and why? (We'll cover other Industries in future questions)
2) Do you now, or have you ever played a musical instrument? If so, what?
3) Do you have any siblings? If so, how many, what gender? Also, do any of them fight the same challenges with weight?
Hi Nat...how fun,
1) James Brolin --- such a HOTTIE, even grayed & older! and Barbara Streisand --- she's done so much and endured so long... and I want to beat her up for marrying James!!!!
2) Piano when I was 6.
3) 2 older brothers. 1 6 yrs older ; 1 3 yrs older. No weight issues...ever! I was the lucky one chosen for this journey!
Hope you're feeling better.
Great Poll....
1A). George Clooney... sooo hot!! Not to mention he's my age and grew up in Augusta, Ky (close to where I live now)...
1B). Katharine Hepburn... she was SO before her time...
2). If you want to count the organ that had letters to each key so I just had to hit the letters and not the chords... 'course that was about 30 years ago...
3). 1 sister who is 3 years older.... she was always skinny (never a weight problem.. her Senior year she weighed 110lbs and was in a A-cup) The she became pregnant 21 years ago and became DD and battled weight. She had breast reduction and is still battling the weight.

1) Tom Hanks - GREAT ACTOR, and super cute, and I think he'd be fun to talk with. and Lucille Ball - Also, great Actress, and very beautiful and she wouldn't been very fun to talk with.
2) Piano and Cello. I still play cello
3) 2 sisters, 1 older, 2 1/2 years, and 1 younger, 6 1/2 years It's her birthday today too. I think I am the only one with weight problems (at least major)

Cool questions...
1 - Male: Lee Marvin - He is just so cool. Female: Bonnie Hunt - I think she is awesome. So funny, seems real and a knock-out!
2 - Guitar on and off for years. I love to play just not very good at it. Would have been a rock god except for the whole talent thing.
3 - An older sister, an older brother and a younger brother. Sister does has similar problems with weight. Brothers not as much, but they aren't skinny either.

1) If you could meet 1 male and 1 female, past or present, in the *MOVIE* Industry, who would it be and why? (We'll cover other Industries in future questions) Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. They both seem so down to earth and funny.
2) Do you now, or have you ever played a musical instrument? If so, what? I play flute and piccolo.
3) Do you have any siblings? If so, how many, what gender? Also, do any of them fight the same challenges with weight? I have 3 sisters and 1 brother. I am the only one that has a weight problem.
1) If you could meet 1 male and 1 female, past or present, in the *MOVIE* Industry, who would it be and why?
Female: Katherine Hepburn. Because I've been in love with her since I was 12. My wife knows that if Kate were alive, and fifty years younger, I would change my name to Hepburn for her. LOL.
Male: Walter Mattheu, my all-time favorite actor.
2) Do you now, or have you ever played a musical instrument? If so, what?
Tried to play drums, Bass, and guitar. Can't make the hands do two differnet things at the same time. Sigh. I struggle with the radio.
3) Do you have any siblings? If so, how many, what gender? Also, do any of them fight the same challenges with weight?
Nope, only child. But all of my (many many) cousins looked just like me at the same ages.
116 Pounds Gone!
"There's just one rule with no exception. Before victory comes temptation. The greater the victory to win, the greater the temptation to withstand."
- Roland Deschain, Gunslinger