WE are pregnant!!!!!!
Hey sweetie!! Thank you so much! I will take lots of pics, not sure many will want to see my big ole tummy, lol. Oh yeah it wont hang anymore will it, lol. This will be an interesting journey since i had surgery. My goals are to have a healthy baby, and not get off track with my tool. Talk to you later hun- Melissa
YES!!!! I am going to be an auntie!!!
I am so happy!!!! I will be here for you all the way girly. I quess I need to start saving so I can go there when the time comes in Nov. LOL Let me know what I can do to help you all the way around. You know what I mean. now let's start praying for that girl you want. Hubby got his boy first now it's time for your little girl. I am so doing the happy dance right now. I told Buggy, she can't wait to hold "her". LOL She says it WILL be a girl. Of course time will only tell.
Talk to you later little mama.
Love ya,

Thank you so much sweetie!!! Harry says it is going to be a girl too, lol. Its just a waiting game. Anthony and him are so happy, I wonder when it will all run off, lol. Harry is all lovey dovey more than normal, and wanting to snuggle more, and Anthony is telling everyone, and wants to be by me all the time so he can spend time with his little bro or sis, lol. That wont last long. I had to get milk from the gorcery store, and he kept saying we need formula and baby food, and was telling everyone he came in contact with, hahaha. I told him we still have a long way to go before baby will be here. Talk to you later hun- Melissa
That is so exciting!!! Do you want a girl this time? Please keep us all posted during your pregnancy so we can know how things are going. I am curious because I am still undecided if we want to have another baby or not, especially since I am hoping to have my tummy tuck next winter.