#3 Getting to Know YOU..
#1 Up close and personal with hunky Vince Gill! I have also met Otis Brown
,(Animal House) many years ago, but still, had the pleasure to meet him and get his autograph. #2. I listen to all kinds of music except rap and real heavy metal, punk. #3 My hobbies include reading, exercising, who'd have thought I would ever say that!, trying new receipes, I love to cook for my husband & family, I am also tying to get more active in my church. I am in my Masters Program right now so anything psychology I read like 'mad'!
My hobbies are in a re-birth right now. I love tv but the new me doesn't!! I do still tape Days of our lives and Passions and zip through the commercials, old habbits die hard!

Sorry I have not participated I have been out of town..so that would explain why i did not nor will not
answer the sat. and sunday eating..not tooo bad but toooo much to remember...i did however do a lot of walking on the beach and had good family time..allright here goes
1.Have you ever met anyone FAMOUS? Who, when & where!
Just lots of baseball players through my brother ...but other than that i can't recall..
2.What Type of Music do you listen to ?
All types from britney spears to christian cds to country
3. What are your hobbies?
scrapbooking and my 3 yr old daughter abigail!!!

1.Have you ever met anyone FAMOUS? Who, when & where!
Jeez... at work a lot of people... President Clinton, Colin Powel... President Bush... I used to live near San Diego's Jack Murphy stadium so a bunch of San Diego Chargers and Padres.
2.What Type of Music do you listen to ?
That's tough, everything... Blues, Rock, Metal, Alternative, a little Country, and classical if it's in a Bugs Bunny cartoon.
3. What are your hobbies?
Computer stuff (who knew?), exercise (now), reading, TV, sports
1.Have you ever met anyone FAMOUS? Who, when & where! Rod Roddey from the Price is Right.. Sat next to him at a country music thingy in Branson Mo. Does he count? Twilla from Surviver. Went to her house last month and introduced myself, went in a had a great convo with her for about an hr. lol Lead singer for Loverboy. Henry Winkler, Ron Howard...both in california when I was a child.
2.What Type of Music do you listen to ?
All kinds. Mainly top 40 and country.
3. What are your hobbies?
Going to the Lake of the Ozarks, spending time with my family, researching anything and everything reguarding WLS and post opp care. COOKING! Love to do that. I have so many freezer meals..going to have to get a 3rd freezer.lol watching and taping my soaps. Y&R, B&B As the World Turns, Guiding Light, Dr. Phil, and then Judge Judy is what I watch for daytime...this is all watched at night when I can zip through them REAL fast. Working outdoors in yard, canning salsa, goodness the list goes on and on..
This has been great!
1. Boss Hogg from Dukes of Hazard, The Incredible Hulk, the kicker from the Bengals he was in my classroom at school, Jason Lagrand....remember his name....he is an upcoming country star!! He is the father of one of my students!!
2. Country is my favorite...but, I love the oldies and christian too!
3. I love to read. Redecorate my house, help my fiancee on his farm, and love to be with my kids...although they are old enough that I don't get to do that too often anymore!!
I'm late, but thought I'd join in!
1) I've never met anyone famous, I'm still holding out for my children, I'll keep you posted
2) I'm an 80's music fan!!! Anything 80's.
3) Arts and crafts - this past weekend I was having Spring fever so I made up a wreath for my front door and some floor arrangements for the cowboy boots on my front porch. I like to put fresh flowers, but will have to wait for that
Ps. Congratulations Melissa, I read your good news! M

1.Have you ever met anyone FAMOUS? Who, when & where! Anthony Perkins, Summer when they were filming Psycho 3, at Universial Studios in Hollywood.
2.What Type of Music do you listen to ? Mainly oldies. I love the 70's and the 50's & 60's.
3. What are your hobbies? I love making crafts.
Have a great Week !