What is your New Found Luv
Hey Allison, girl you so got it on the money. OH i love knowing i can slide in without worring the waitress where she is going to sit me. I look at pics and cant believe I was ever that big. I had to lie to myself to love myself but now that my eyes are open I am so happy and will never let myself get there again...
Hey Nat... You look fabbulouuussss... as do all the women who've posted...
Personally I love wearing my size 8 low rise pants and tops with strips that go horizontal
love being able to sit in a chair and bend my legs up to my chest in the chair too.... love being able to sit in the floor and get up without having to roll over first.... love my 38DD pretty bra instead of my 48DD holster... more energy, more energy, more energy... love to dance... love the passing looks from men who use to cross the street to avoid me before... they now even hold the door open for me to enter a store first.. love being able to cross my legs and even able to wrap my ankle around again... (although not good for circulation
)... And most of all I love the new S.O. other that I met recently and him telling me that I'm beautiful inside and out.. and tells me I don't even know it... may not know it, but I'm learning to!!!!! Oh yeah.... and SEX... It's soooo wonderful ~and that's all I'm gonna say about that~
Have a Great Day...

Suprising people is my new found obsession. If I have not seen you in awhile then I just kinda show up and people will ask if they can help me and do not realize it was me until I say something.
Also, I love 10 cent day at the Salvation Army Thrift Store! I come home with bags of clothes for me mostly size med and large. Ive never been a medium! But they fit really well! Im lovin it!
161 pounds gone forever!
Dear Nat, first of all, you look great! I am so glad you posted! My new found luv is getting looks from guys again! I sure missed that! I love having a body that I can live with instead of one that I'd like to bury! I love crossing my legs-I can't seem to stop! I love fitting in booths now and not having to ask for a table. I love being able to buy clothes, clothes and more clothes that fit! I'm having a love affair with shoes now too. Can't seem to buy enough of them. And I REALLY love going from a 44H (yeah, an H!) down to a 40DDD and needing to get a 38DDD already!! This surgery is the most wonderful thing I have ever done for myself and I would do it again. And I think the biggest thing I have had to learn to deal with is compliments! I just smile and say thank you every time, but deep down I feel SO happy that people are saying nice things about me! You take care and post again soon!!