8's are Great !
Well ... here I am .. 9 months yesterday and I am a size 8 . What in the world . Here is how it developed .. my daughter was moving out and she handed me a pair of the cutest Tommy Hilfger Pants .. she said Mom .. someting tells me you can wear these . They are low rider tight pants .. looks like the fabric from a scottish kilt .. I tried them on .. and wala .. they fit .. so I wore them .My husband about had a cow . He said to me " I know you are not wearing those to work .. I said yepper sure am .. I even told him that my new tatoo will look just wonderful on my lower back .. Am I haunting him or what LOL .
9 months .. the time it takes to make a baby .. and here I sit .. Can not even believe my eyes sometimes .
My mom in law came over last night and she looked at me and said .. Nat you have never been this small .. you skinny little thang .. and I am now one size from my skinny sister .. who never had a weight problem .. so there was a skinny woman under all that fat .. I used to say I was just big boned .. nope I have the same bone structure as my mom and sis .. WOW .. just wish my Dad could see this . I hope he can from up in Heaven .
Well have a great Monday and enjoy the week .
297-158 - at me goal .
Great Natalie!! You are the Poster child! It must be wonderful, Keep up the good work, YOu are an inspiration for all us May babies!! I know you jolted me back to reality, I have lost another 4 pounds the last week and a half. Probably doesn't sound like much, but after a 3 month stall, (more like dead stop!!) It feels great to be bacl on track!!
Keep up the great work, and thanks for all you do on the boards!!
-99 and counting. I really had lost 100 yesterday, but don't want to celebrate until I know that I am past it a couple more.
...... WHOOO HOOOOOOO that's wonderful... and I know because Saturday I went to Thrift Store and bought myself a pair of Levi Low Rise size 8's and wore them that night....
I'm loving life.... and it appears you are too!!!
Thanks Nat for being such a good inspiration to all. Have a Great Day!!