Exercise freak
Yesterday I went to the gym and felt a little peaky so I decided to just get on the stairstepper and read. I did that for the requisite 1/2 hr and felt better enough that I thought I should run at least ONE mile; after all, what's this delusion of half-marathons without a little training. So I ran 3.5 miles instead. AFTER the stairstepper. I'm feeling pretty good. I was on the treadmill for a total of 45 minutes with the walking cooldown.
I was NEVER an athlete in my life, but who says that 34 is too late to become one?
My weight is moving again, slowly but surely. I'm 3 measly pounds away from a "normal" BMI. THREE. I can't believe it. I still think of myself as fat, and my tummy and thighs look terrible and my batwings are scary, but maybe when I get to my so-called "ideal body weight" these things will improve. I can't say I measure my success by how I look because mostly I feel pretty lousy about that. But I DO measure my success by my ability to exercise, and I'm so very proud of that.
Hope everyone is getting a little exercise in their lives. The endorphin high is so worth it.
I am SO PROUD of you and a little envious as well. Not that you are doing so well but because I do not have the drive to get into an exercise routine. I think I will tell my hubby that on Monday I am GOING to join the gym down the street. I too want to feel the 'high' from loving to exercise. I need to bite the bullet and finally do something just for ME. I have the caregiver(housekeeper/cook/stay-at-home-mom) role and no one seems to mind me being stuck in that role. You are doing magnificent and you losing slowly right know ,I am sure, is because you are toning up and building muscle. You are such an inspiration to me and I wish you the best of luck. Congrats for completely turning your body in the right direction....
Julie S.
TT approved
I know what you mean about taking care of everyone else first. I finally understand what a friend told me years and years ago: "I wouldn't go a day without a shower, so why would I go a day without exercise?"
My surgeon made me sign a contract saying I would exercise 4 times a week (or something like that-I forget the details, bad me), so hubby had to accept that I was going to do it. He's always been good about encouraging me to take some time for myself, but I've never been able to use it to go see a movie alone (maybe someday soon-I'm a new woman now) and I'd end up wandering the grocery store trying to kill the "me time" I was given. Now I know JUST what to do with "me time" and it ends up being a treat. Even the days I go in reluctantly, whining to myself, I end up feeling great and with a totally new attitude by the time I leave.
I have to give credit where it's due. My friend Kara started exercising with me back in August and she has some serious SERIOUS determination. She has kept me going when I wanted to quit. Even when we don't work out together, which is most of the time these days, it helps knowing she's out there doing her thing and cheering me on in mine. She's lost about 40 lbs (I'm guessing) since August and she looks terrific!
I like going to the gym after dinner most of all. It helps me get through the hour of no liquids, which is hard for me, and it fills up some of my evening time away from snacking.
Keep telling yourself that you DESERVE to have time to exercise; it's a totally reasonable DEMAND you can make of your family, who will benefit in a major way from the extra energy you will have. If you need extra incentive, remember that the exercise will help your lungs and body prepare for your next surgery, and help you recover more quickly.
Drop me a line if you need anything!
Susan, First off congrats
We have lots in common. I also live in Mn about 2 hours from ya. I started at 254 now 151. I'm 33 and I'm also considering training for a 5K. We should run one together in Alexandria. Such a great feeling isn't it. WAY TO GO
RNY 5/27
254/151/? goal to be determined w/ underwater weighing in one week
I would LOVE to go to Alexandria to do that!
Did you know that MN BCBS reimburses $20/month on gym memberships? A local gym is trying to sell me a membership and told me that. I still have to confirm it, but he had the literature from BCBS!
You look GREAT in your pics. LOVE that prom dress.

Susan I'll do some checking on when the 5K races are (hopefully at least 4 more months so I could get ready). I have BCBS of MN but we are self funded so our company would have to raise our premiums to have that benefit...I have 3 small children work full time out of the home, so I haven't invested in a gym membership yet. I live in a small town and we do have a place in town that is open 24/7 that has a treadmill, exercise bikes and some limited weights etc. You get a swipe card and I think its only 100/yr. So far I've just been using my own treadmill and I take the stairs at work alot.
I'll post back to ya about the 5k