What did you Eat on this Saturday ?
Well folks .. I have been up all night since Friday .. I worked all day . then on call all night and the phone did not stop .. Today has been the worst day for me yet ..
Breakfast - 1/2 scrambled egg w cheese 2 pieces of bacon .. and half slice of Atkins Low carb bread .. Wallla .. it all came back up .. Why in the hell did I think I could eat this .. I will never know ..
Lunch - Went to a Home and Garden party - had fruit .. and some crackers ..
Dinner - Husband went to the greasiest spoon in town .. brought back chicken - cabbage .. greenbeans.. I had a bite of the chicken . 3 tablespoons of cabbage - Yum .. and same for the greenbeans ..
You ask - where is your protien Nat .. well .. I have been so tired .. I did not ever make My nectar .. I plan on having some tonight before bed ..
And start the day a new tommorow .. and I will start it with my normal NECTAR and not eggs !
Hope everyone is having a great weekend .. Love you guys !
YOu made me tired just reading about your night...lol
B: carbwell bar
S: 2 sausage links
L:cottage doubles
fruit roll up
S:1cup carbcountdown f/f milk
2 small cookies
D:1 small slice of cheese pizza
another small cookie
S: s/f decaf vanilla coffee
I did bad with fluid intake today!!!
I did drink a little water though besides the coffee and milk
Nat...have a great night and happy nectar drinking!
Julie S.

Ok dont shoot me, lol. I got a wild hair up my bum today.
B- carb countdown choc milk
L- protein drink
then I decided we need to get out of the house on this beautiful day and just go somewhere different. So we went shopping in WV about an hour and a half from home, then went from restaurant to restaurant trying to find a nice place to eat with out waiting over an hour to be seated. Well where did we end up, Hooters, lol. NOw here is my bad part of the day dinner- half a hooters cheese burger, 4 hot wings, 2 celery, and a sip uf my hubbys beer. bad bad me for dinner. My son ended up eating his first raw oyster on the half shell, and then had another, lol he gets that from his dad, oysters yuck!! Is it bad when your 6 yr old flirts with the Hooters waitress?!! He said she was pretty, boy am I gonna have my hands full when he gets older. Well thats enough for me I will do better tomorrow- Melissa
Well I would type what I ate today but I fear Carpal Tunnel Syndrome would set in....so EVERYTHING will have to do...Weekends are so hard for mean and i usuallly lose on monday which i think means i dont get enough cal. during the week but i didnt make good food choices today..went to aunt bettys for a bday party...no cake but ate my wgt. in sf ice cream which meant i spent the ENTIRE time walking outside to toot.......fun fun fun...anyway i am having a scrap book morning with my buddy and am so looking forward to it...kid free scrappin time...i hope we all do great on sunday..and love postin with you chicks..thanks for the inspiration...love you all and have a new pic to post for ya soon...definately in a size 14 and really excited about it...talk to you soon...be safe...