Are any of you guys going through this?
It used to be funny to be but its gotten quite painful
I can FEEL my tailbone with my hands and it hurts often. It hurts when I am sitting up in bed
and it hurts when I am sitting too long....If feels weird as hell to be able to feel a bone there, cuz before I had my kids and gained all the weight I don't remember being able to feel my tailbone. Anyone else going through this and if so is there anything that we can do to comfort this

Cherrion...don't even get me started on my dreaded tailbone! About 2 months ago, I started to feel that little booger. Ya no what I thought it was? A cist! Yep, it had been soooooooo long since I had felt mine, I thought I was growing a cist, because it hurt like heck whenever I sat for a period of time, nameit. I even called my Dr. over Now not only do I have that to deal with, but my butt bones always hurt to. I sit on something a pillow, or a blanket. Or you can just get used to it
It ain't gonna go away!

That sounds DREADFUL! I'm not having any problems with my booty but my knees knock together at night and that hurts.
Have you checked to make sure you don't have some sort of bone spur or something? I don't know if ppl get those on their tailbones, but it's something I'd want to rule out. Also, be sure to be really careful not to break your poor bone now that it's not protected any more. I understand that a broken tailbone never really heals properly and can cause pain for life.
The only thing I can think of to help is maybe do a LOT of work to build up your butt muscles so that they can offer some padding/support??
I hope you can find a solution-sounds like a total bummer.
OH MY GOSH THIS IS HILARIOUS!!! I thought it was just me.........My husband said he saw some drawers he is gonna hafta get me,,, the panties with the ass already in them.............LOLOLOL He said my butt is gone... LOL,,, I think thisis too funny and I have noticed the knees thing too.. I have to have a pillow between mine. and I went to the Doctor about the back too,,, he gave me muscle relaxers.........It really would be funnier tho if it didnt hurt so bad... I rode my horse today and helped my husband an son vaccinate 50 cows,,,, translate that to,,, I gave shots they ran them through,,, for some big tough cattlemen they both HATE NEEDLES!!!!!!! And my 18 year old son tells me hes gonna get a tattoo........Cant wait to see that......... HE WILL PASS OUT IF HE SEES THE NEEDLE>>>>>LOL ANyway,, I am goin to take somemuscle relaxers....
And go to bed with my granny knee pillow.......Goodnite........ Melanie -100 Go Me GO ME!!!!!! PS I BOUGHT A SIZE 6 Jeans,,,,,and they fit........ oh my achin bones....but its worth it........ LOLOLOL gnite