Girl question!!
Is it normal to gain a couple of pounds when it is "that time of the month"? I have been doing what I should, getting my water and protein in, but I gained a couple of pounds this week. That is not the norm for me. I had an endometrial ablation 11/15/04 and haven't had a period since then, but I still get PMS once a month. This month though, as I said, I've gained a couple of pounds and wondered if others out there gain during that time? I'm just kind of freaking a little because I don't want to start putting my weight back on. Any suggestions or input would be greatly appreciated.

Dont freak out!!
I dont really get periods right now because of my birth control method, but I still get PMSy and have water retention monthly when its supposed to be that time of the month. Keep in mind that a gallon of water weighs like 8lbs, so, if you are retaining water, it can really mess with your mind and your scale...hang in there!!