MOnday what did you eat today?
WEll first off I would like to say I was real bad yesterday!! My husband made a white cake with that pourable choclate icing, I ate almost a 2 inch piece!!!!!! NOt to mention this was at 8oclock at night. I didnt get sick, I never do if I have sugar. I have never dumped like some of you have, and that scares me. If I can eat these foods that I used to and dont get sick will I have the will power to stay away from them?! Now that I got that off my chest here is my food for today
B- 1/2 cup carb countdown choc milk
L- Protein drink, had a few bites of chex mix
for dinner I am having baked chicken with a little bbq sauce, spinach. I am also making mac n cheese, if I do have any of it it will be 1/2 cup.
I put the cake in our utility room and told them if they want it dont eat it around me, as far as I am concerned the cake is all gone, lol.- Melissa
Don't beat yourself up about are doing wonderful and being human we are all bound to have weaknesses. I am one that dumps but I can eat a 2in piece of cake...if I eat anymore then that I am in trouble. For me I just feel sick to my stomach and sometimes I get really sleepy.
B:4oz yogur W crunched up high protein Tatal cereal in it
S: 1/3 of a chicken and cheese Quesedilla
S: maderine orange slices
3 girl scout cookies
L: 1/4 lo-carb french bread pizza (OUCH....this made me dump!!!)D: not sure yet
I think I may have eaten more then felt like I ate all day but when it is written down I guess the day went by quicker then I thought.
I really need to start back on my protein shakes...
Julie S.
Thanks Julie, I know some of us do eat the sweets from time to time. What bothers me most is I dont dump when I do have these sweets, and I wonder if something is wrong and why I can handle them, then it bothers me that I actually ate it, lol. I dont think anyone ever has said they wished they dumped, but I do kind of wish I had that affect to keep me away fo=rom these foods. Getting sick would make me stay away from them better than my horrible will power,lol. Thanks again sweetie- Melissa
Oh what kind of girlscout cookies, lol? I can dream about them. I love the thin mints but didnt order any this year- Melissa
Good afternoon everyone....
B=about 4 slices of bacon
L=3/4 fish sticks
S=3/4 saltines w/butter on them and a low fat crumb cake... I don't dump either except I do sometimes feel light headed
or somehow funky in the head when I eat a high sugar food...
D=??? not sure yet.... just not much into dinner...
Oh yeah and don't forget the cups of coffee a not enough cups of water...
Have a great evening,

LOL You actually had a bad day of food!! No, not my Melissa!!! It is good to be bad every once in a while. Just not all the time. I won't fuss at you this time young lady. LOL Okay. I did better I think. Here we go!
B 1 cup of kix with 2% milk
L I think 2 cups of salad greens with grilled chicken on it. (Maybe less. Just guessing) And Thousand Island
D We are having fried chicken ( I don't eat the skin or crusty.)
I will have about 2 oz if I can eat it all. 1\2 oz of mashed taters, and
1\2 oz green beans. I don't know if I will eat all this or not but this is
what I am cooking.
So Miss Thang, what are you having for dinner??? You didn't say!! Bad girl!! LOL Oh yeah, and lifting deamon babies all day is part of my exercise. LOL If it isn't to cold or raining, I will be going for a walk tonight. But I have a bad feeling. It has been raining all day long here. Talk to you later. Love ya, Toni
Hey sweetie! LOL I did say what I was having for dinner. I had a peice of baked chiken with bbq sauce, spinach, and I did end up having the 1/2 cup mac n cheese. Oh and about that cake, as I sit here typing Anthony has managed to walk right past me with a peice of it!! I could just die, lol. So I will sit here and play a game or something tiill he is done- Melissa
Okay, so you did say. LOL I must have skipped that part because was bugging me to read quick and type fast to she could eat dinner. That is okay though. I ended up changing my mind on my dinner and tried to eat a bratworst. Didn't taste good so I ended up with a cheese sandwhich. LOL It was going to take the chicken to long to cook. Plus Ash wasn't feeling so well either. Tell Anthony to be nice and stop eating that crap infront of you. Our team pic didn't show much of me so I will send a pic after I get our family pic done. I promise!! Talk to you later. Toni
Well here we go .. another stressed out day at work .. but ya know I got up and walked out at 4:30 and here I sit with all my buddies ..
Before bed I will do another Nectar ..
Handfull of Mixed nuts
Call it a day ..
I did get in about 50 oz or water ... most from decaf coffee ..
Huggle ,