Saturdays what did you eat?
Well today I did some house cleaning, can I say that I exercised, lol. Ok here it goes for my food
B- carb countdown choc milk
L- protein drink
D- 1/2 cup pinto beans and 2 inch peice of cornbread
later on I might have another carb countown choc glass of milk
I do have to add that friday after I posted we watched movies and I had half a bag of popcorn
bad me bad me- Melissa

Melissa, I need to try some of that carb countdown milk. Do you replace it with regular milk? I very rarely drink any milk, but I notice you really like it
I went to Sams Club, and Costco, and tried some of there stuff, so that was my lunch!
D-Mexican Lasgna
S-s/f bomb pop...and no snicker bites for me tonight!!!!!!

Brenda, I have tried the carb countdown milk and I dont taste a difference. I dont drink much milk, cuz I am mostly drinking water, but the carb countdown chocolate milk I get when I can. I like it. It is a little thicker than regular choc milk. When I do drink it, it is usually as a meal. It fills me up, and it has 15g of protein per serving. So I like to get it when I can to keep my protein grams up otherwise I would have to have another prtoein drink everyday. - Melissa
O man what a Saturday ...
Breakfast - Got up made me 3 crackers with Underwood Chicken spread .
Then waited and did my Nectar Protein drink ..
Lunch ... Really late .. I guess you could call it early dinner ..
1 half of a grilled chicken tender - salad - and 4 pieces of okra .
Dinner - Late -
2 cheese crackers and a handfull of popcorn ..
I did manage to sneak in for the ride to NC a FF-Skim - Decaf Hazelnut Latte .. which I now know gives me terrible gas .I will stop getting these and have her make me just the coffee .. Man was I in pain..
Ohhhh and after dinner I ate 2 SF taffeys ..Can you say Malitol is Bad .. it too gave me such bad gas on the way home I thought I was going to explode .. we had to stop at a Rest Station so I could ... well you know ...
That was my Saturday .. Full of wind !
Loves ya,
Another very bad day for me. I should be beat!!! I had so much going on it wasn't funny. I had CPR at 8:00am, a game to cheer for with my cheerleaders, go shopping, and deal with bug and her firend all night. So eating was very bad!!!
B 1\2 sausage egg mcmuffin
L 1\2 roast beef sandwhich
D 1\2 cup of spaggetti
S a few chips,
I know, I need to get on track. I haven't lost a pound in about 4 months. The scales don't know if they want to move up or down. Next Saturday is going to be a bad one as well. I already know. It is the sleep over so we will be having pizza and other junk food snacks. I am trying to get one of the parents to bring a veggie tray and another to bring a fruit tray. Like that is going to happen!!! LOL But after that, I will be back on track for good because cheerleading will be over. YES!!!!! We only have two more games!!!! Toni