Well, I'll be off to CT scan again on Monday. I've been having pains and nauseousness and lightheadedness again for about 2 I get to have the CT...which will probably show nothing again, even though each time they've done them I've had hernias that didn't show on the CT scan. So, if it shows nothing, then I go to a pain management clinic to have steroids injected into the area...if it's nerve damage, the injections will help, if it's something else, they won't, and then I'll be sent in for "exploratory" surgery....a laparotomy...where they will inspect all of my abdominal organs, take out my intestines and inspect them, etc....if I have to have that surgery, it will be another 4-5 day hospital stay....lovely.
Anyway, on a better note, I just had my 9 month checkup, and all my labs are perfect and I'm 5 lbs away from my doctor's goal for me. My tummy tuck is healing well...not too much swelling anymore...just some wierd tightness that I've basically gotten used to now.
Hope everyone else is doing well.
Dear Andrea, I am so sorry you are having to go through all of this stuff! I don't know how you do it. I guess you just do when you have to, right? I just hope that the CT scan finds what it is so you don't have to do all of that other stuff. My prayers are with you.
And woohoo for you on your labs and only 5 lbs away from your doctor's goal for you-that's wonderful news!!
I'm also glad that your tummy tuck is healing well. I don't think that will be in the future for me. I DO want to have a boob job though! The ol' girls need to be uplifted if you know what I mean!!
You have a great weekend and I'll be thinking of you on Monday. Be sure and let us know if they find out anything.
Hey Andrea,
I would love to talk to you about the crap you are going through girl! I am well aware of all of it, believe me. Am smack dab in the middle of trying to figure out why my ribs and upper back between my shoulder blades hurt all of the time. It has been suggested that I have an internal hernia and need exp lap, but I am sooo not ready for that. I have none of the typical symptoms for it nausea, no vomiting, no constipation, no severe abdominal pains, etc. I hope you figure out what is going on soon. I feel for ya hon. You mentioned nerve damage. My back will feel tingly and burning, sometimes, like it is asleep, is that how you felt? Just curious!
Sending prayers your way,
I do not have a gall bladder. I wish that were the problem, that is easily fixable as we both already know. I am so sorry you are still experiencing problems. I have read your profile and said a prayer for ya today. At least we can sympathize with one another and lend each other support!
Andrea, I feel for you I really do. I have had similar things going on since September. It just seems like I have not felt well since then. I had to have my gall bladder out in November and then had cardiac problems in January. I'm still experiencing dizzines, nauseau and severe headaches. I'm hoping they get to the root of the problem soon.
Congratulations on your labs coming back ok. My 9 month labs came back showing I'm anemic.
Feel better soon,