Hello Everyone
I've checked this board out a few times, but I haven't posted before (I think)... anyway it's nice to meet you all!!!
I was checking out Cassie's post and thought I would post my own to let you all know that I made it to the Century Club too.
I usually don't get on a scale very often... actually it needed a battery. So last week I finally bought one and it read 161lbs. I started at 268 so that's 107lbs lost. yeessssssss!!!! Can't wait to get to the 150's now...
I started out in 22/24 or 3x pants and I'm now in 10/11's and I love 'em low rise... can you imagine (lol)... it's hard for me to, but I'm so luvin it!!!
Enjoying Life,

Rhonda, We welcome you to to the Century club! OK...I am still hearing Tina Turner in my head singing that song. "Your simply the best" LOL I think that is going to be the "new century Club offficail song."
that was Tina dancing. lol
Yes, I as well, love low riden jeans. before when I was big, I used to think to my self that my big o'le belly would fall out of them. But that big o'le belly dissapeared, and I'm wearing em low. Now if I can just convince the hubby for that pretty bike sitting on the Harley lot....

...Thanks Brenda and may I say you look absolutely marrrvelouuuss in your photo(s). I like riding on Harley's too and would love to learn to drive one so I wouldn't have to count on finding a man who has one. ~~OBVIOUSLY SINGLE (BUT THAT'S OKAY NOW THAT I'M SKINNIER LOL~~ Last time I was on one was a couple summer's ago... that had to be a sad sight from the rearview. lol Poor guy that had to hold the bike up with all 268lbs of me on it
Take care...

Welcome Rhonda to our wonderful World of what we call her the May Babies ... We proudly induct you into the Centurian Club .. and yes gurl those jeans are awesome !
I wear them and wear them .. I went from a 26 to size 10 ..
You know exactly how I feel ..
You will get to goal .. Just hang in there ..
Again - Welcome and keep us posted .