I am new to this section ...

TheNewMe !.
on 2/15/05 8:22 am - Huntsville, AL
Thanks so much Lisa! I am going to get some Tylenol Arthritis TONIGHT! My bones hurt, I feel like an old woman!!!!! I didn't hurt this bad at 276#! Weird, huh? Gonna try to treat all of this pain as arthritis/musculoskeletal and see if it helps. Only will do exploratory surgery as a last ditch effort! Did your back hurt Lisa? Love, Stacey
on 2/15/05 4:57 am
Stacy, welcome to this board. You will find much support here. Your weightloss looks GREAT! Do you like Shania Twain?? I sure hope you do, cause girl, you could be her twin! My gosh, you are the spittin image of her!!!!!! I about fell outa my chair while waiting for your picture to come up...reading your message! again welcome, and I hope you hang around. Brenda
TheNewMe !.
on 2/15/05 8:26 am - Huntsville, AL
Brenda, OH My GAWSH! You have made my year. I love Shania Twain and am on cloud nine that you would even think I remotely look like her, much less be her twin. What a compliment! Thanks so much! I am really happy to be here. I jsut kinda found you guys surfin the boards. I lurk and occassionally post on the Bama board, but I feel at home with you May 04' babies!!!!!!!! I am so proud of all us! Thank God for this surgery! Love, Stacey
on 2/16/05 7:12 pm - SMALL TOWN, OH
Stacey, you look gorgeous!! Shania Twain look out!! Ha. I had lower back pain...and took one aleve...it worked for days!! Good luck!! Jeannie
TheNewMe !.
on 2/16/05 9:06 pm - Huntsville, AL
Awwww Jeannie, thank you! Aleve, hmm. I am so happy to get all of these suggestions! Just as an update I went to my family doctor yesterday and I had blood in my urine (lots) and he is sending me for an IVP today to check my kidneys. He is thinking I may have kidney stones. Gezze, think that would explain the pain? LOL!!!! We'll see what it shows. If it is not that then I have about decided it is muscular/skeletal! Love, Stacey
Kat C.
on 2/17/05 1:40 pm - Redding, CA
Hi, Stacey! Thank-you for your posting... all of the sudden I don't feel all alone, anymore! I have something called "Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy"... after a shoulder injury, 11 years ago. In short... that means a life sentence of pain, and is brought on by a shoulder injury. I had never heard of it, before I hurt my shoulder, and wish I still hadn't heard of it! But... the worst of the pain... has been on my left side... on my ribs... and it goes around to the shoulder blade and shoulder. I did have a spinal cord stimulator implant for it... as well as 35 blocks... 49 in-hospital procedures, in the last 11 year, for this. I fully expect that I will have to take pain medication, for the rest of my life, just to function, as best I can. The good news is that I am doing so much better, than any of us, Dr's included, ever could have dreamed of... and have been riding around town on the kewlest blue flowered scooter, since last summer... tomorrow, my husband and I will pick up our 2 new bikes... (Yamaha virago 250's) I have had to take oxicontin for 7 years, now... and have gone from having to take 6 40 mg, a day... and now I get by with only 2 or 3 a day. I have had no problem, at all, taking those med's. Funny thing... when you have chronic pain, and have to take heavy med's, like that... after a while, it has as much of an intoxicating effect, as a glass of water does! (and that's a good thing, I guess!) The one thing that always amazes me.. is how incredibly much, a side can hurt... you are the only other person that I have heard of with pain, like that! My heart goes out to you! I don't think we can take anti-inflamatories... but I haven't even tried to. I hope you find some relief. I, too, had "an exploratory surgery", which showed such a brightly inflamed portion of my shoulder joint... before that, we really didn't know what was causing all the pain... they, then, removed an inch of bone, to free up a pinched tendon... but I already had R.S.D. from that injury... so it didn't fix the problem. Sometimes, that's the only way to see what the cause of the pain is. I hope you find some relief! Pain like that can sure mess up a person's sleep! Sounds like you have been thru it, too! Take care, Jennifer! Kat Canto from Cali!
TheNewMe !.
on 2/17/05 9:25 pm - Huntsville, AL
Cat, All I can say is WOW! Thanks so much for your post. It really means alot to me that you would take so much time to relay to me what you have been through. Although I have not had a shoulder injury, my symptoms are very similar to yours. They are currently doing every test in the world trying to figure out what is going on. My left rib is killing me at the moment! And shortly after I get up in the morning the achey burning feeling between my shoulder blades begins. So weird. I am so proud of you and how well you have fought chronic pain! You are a hero to all who suffer daily! Now go get on that bike and live a glorious life ( sounds like you already are)!!!!!!! Bless you and continued success, Stacey
on 2/17/05 8:31 pm - Gadsden, AL
Hey Stacey, Glad to see you over this way on the May Boards. I hate to hear that you aren't doing so well though. Please let us know what you find out at from the tests. Your weight loss is going GRRRRREAT! You coming to the Bama Bash? I look forward to meeting you someday. I might have to pop in at a Huntsville dinner soon. Christie 244.5/157-160(dang 3lb I keep gaining and losing for weeks)/138
TheNewMe !.
on 2/17/05 9:28 pm - Huntsville, AL
Hey Christie! Your pic is so pretty! You look GREAT! I know whatcha mean about three pounds I have been stuck from 159-162 for like a month or so. Very frustrating!!!! We will hafta get together! I would love to come to the Bama Bash, gonna start making plans to make it happen! My goal is 139! We have the same amount left to lose! Let's encourage each other, Lord knows I need it!!! Love, Stacey 276/160(today, dangit)/139
on 2/20/05 3:57 am - Florence, AL
Hey Stacy, I dunno what will help but I hope you feel better soon. You had lots of ideas sent to you from here thats for sure! I am stuk around 160 pounds too.. but hey, I am not gonna fuss. I want 139 but if it happens great and if not I will take what we got huh? LOL,,,, Hope you feel better! Melanie Pigg 255/159/139maybe......LOL
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