What did you eat today?
OK, I am feeling much better today. thank you for the well wishes! It must have helped
Today was a support group meeting. My surgeon is 2 hrs away, so therefore so are the support meetings. Yes, there are some closer I could go to, but they are not my Dr., so I chose to stay with his. Plus I hae many friends and we all car pool up there togather, eat out afterwards and hit the thrift stores. I got my first pair of 8,s jeans. WOOHOO. I new I was in an 8, cause my 10's were big, but just having the jeans where the size says 8's were a big deal to me....Now I will chase that alusive(sp) size 6. lolol Don't no if I'll be able to catch him or not, but I'll sure try!
I also wanted to mention that for all you cocoa lovers swiss miss has a great no sugar hot cocoa. With only 60 calaries. You all probably already new this, but I was still drinking regular cocoa w/120 cal. It just makes a great warm treat without making me feel bad. Here is what I ate today
L-small salad/ a few bites of lasagna from olive garden. No noodle..just the guts of it. meat, cheese.
S-Swiss Miss S/F cocoa

What a day ..
Breakfast -NECTAR
Lunch-Meat and cheese out of lasange - was at a baby shower ..
fruit and veggies
Dinner ... Went out to Cracker Barrel
1 Egg
a bite or 2 of cheese and potatoes
and a teaspoon of gravy .. was the best meal I have had in ages ..
I was told at the Baby shower I was too skinny.. that is funny... there where 4 WLS ladies there ... made me feel good .
Glad you are doing better ,