Hello Have reached the 100 lbs but have hit a real slow down!!!
Congratulations Tim on reaching the 100 lbs lost mark. Super job. Whenever I want to jump start my weight loss, I simply go back to doing some basics like shakes for breakfast and trying to cut out at least one snack. I have finally programmed myself to have a water bottle in my hand at all times. I think most of us have slowed down at this point and are struggling to lose more.
Good Luck,

Congrats on the 100 pounds .. Now it is time to buckle down . Sometimes we just need to up our protein - water and exersise .. that did it for me . I hit the 100 mark @ month 6 and have averaged about 15 pounds a month after that . I am sure you are not done .. your body may be taking a much needed break after the big loss .
Just work the tool .. it will work for you .
Take care and again .. Way to go !