scale finally moving again
How is everyone doing? I am happy to report my scale is finally moving down again. The last couple of months it has only moved down around "that time of month" Last month it moved down 7 lbs, but then back up 2 lbs. I started excersizing and I have lost 2.5 lbs since Sunday. WOOHOO. I kep thinking I was really about done with loosing weight, but maybe not. How is everyone else's weight loss coming this far out? I would really like to no.
Take care,
I haven't posted in a while, but I see that I'm not the only one slowing down.. I had been hovering aroung 207 for a month or more and I just got on a scale and it said I'm hoping that the plateau has been broken. I'm down 85 pounds from my original 280 so I'm happy! I'd like to lose at least another 30-40 pounds but we'll see!
Everyone says that I look great...better than most people they have seen that have had the surgery. I used to be upset that I was loosing slow... but because of the slow loss... I will probably not have to have any other surgeries... that would be awesome.
Hey Pretty Brenda ... Yepper scale started moving again ... omg .. I was stuck at 167 - then up - then down .. Now I am back down to 163 and notice size changes again .
I am still working out like crazy ... I am down now total of 134 pounds . My NP thinks that I may qualify for the ole TT . We will see .
I think my WL is coming to an end and I am kinda glad ... I am ready to start maintaining .
Well take care and keep up the FANTASTIC job .
Nat, You are doing so good! What size are you in now? You know...It wouldn't matter if I weighed 150 or 130..I would still be in a size 10-12...I hate that
Oh well, I can deal
Must tighten up now. I have been walking 3 mi day, and doing uppper body/lower/body everyother day. This has only been going on though since Sunday. Hopefully I can loose these extra 10 lbs before middle of march. I think then I would be satisfied.
I sure hope you get that TT pd
Take care,

I am at a size 10 . I am so happy . I think I was like a size 10 in the 3rd grade .... LOL .. I am working on my arms now and my upper thighs .. they are a wreck . However , my arms shaped up better than I thought they would = No bat wings .. !
I pressed 130 pounds the other night at the gym with my legs ... How in the world did I carry around that much weight ...
Take care ,
Gone a walking .. power walking that is !
Hi Brenda! First of all, congrats on your awesome weight loss AND getting over that plateau! I have slowed way down too and am now at 209 from 329. The surgeon told me he wanted me under 200, but I go see him tomorrow and I'm not going to make it. But I am very happy with my loss, a total of 120 so far!! Never thought I would be saying those words!! I have finally started to exercise the last two days so maybe that will get me going again. I sure hope so. I feel really good and everyone tells me I look great, but I don't want to stop here. I would really like to get down to maybe 170 or 160 even. Don't know if that will happen. But anyway, I'm proud of you and all of my May brothers and sisters!! We are an awesome group!

Laura, Hi there. Missed talking with you. Oh my goodness you are doing GREAT! You no that saying...Theres a monkey on my back? Well, you had a whole person on your back, and now it's gone! I think the excersize will realy help. I really wish I had done it much sooner, but didn't have a gym in my town. Thank goodness I do now. Let's all us May babies get out our walking shoes, and get to walking away these last lbs!!!!!!!
Hello Brenda,
I am going on 9 months out and I too have had a problem with the scale moving, it has been hovering at 207 for at least the last month, it just has recently started moving again and I am down to 203lbs today. At times I was geting frustrated but I sat back and thought about it 9 months ago I weighed 327lbs, So if the last 20-30 lbs want to inch there way off that is fine with me, as long as it does not go up I am happy.
Denise, That is the key. Where were we 9 months ago? ALOT bigger. You have done VERY WELL! I was in the dressing room at Wal-mart with my mom trying on the dreaded bathing suits. I was so unhappy with the mirror, and my mom spoke up and said. look a whole lot better now, than you did 9 months ago! Yep, we all just need patience. Which I am sorely lacking of.