I don't miss paying twice as much for clothing that wasn't even half as cute. I don't mind being red-faced and sweaty almost all the time. I don't miss the bruises on my hips and butt from mis-gauging my size and banging into countertops and tables and chairs and everything. I don't miss the oweeee red marks and stabbing pain from underwires or even non-underwire bras (even with the girls having migrated south, the hoist system is so much easier and more comfy).
I do kinda miss my hair. And I think my hubby misses the zero balance on the credit cards (but a girl DOES need to shop, doesn't she???). My daughter complains that my lap is "too hard" now. And I'm pretty sure a few of the local buffets are going out of business now that I no longer go there. *wicked evil cackle*
Some things I don't miss:
* my feet hurting aaaaaaaaallllllll the time
* having to hold onto the headboard to turn myself over in bed
* days when I can't leave the house because nothing in my closet fits anymore
* my boss thinking I couldn't possibly have any drive or ambition
At least, those are the top four!

Well lets see....
I don't miss not being able to cross my legs
I don't miss my feet aching when they hit the floor in the morning
I don't miss my legs rubbing together so hard that they could start a small fire!! lol
I don't miss having to use the huge bath towel to dry off from a shower
I don't miss having to tuck my underware under my stomach flap
I don't miss being like the Hoover Dam in the bath tub
I don't miss feeling like a stuffed sausage isitting theater or airplane seats
I don't miss my kids not being able to put their arms all the way around me
I don't miss waking up in the morning and feeling like I never slept
I don't miss shopping in plus sized stores
I guess I could go ON AND ON AND
Julie S.
265/162/150 doc goal/130 my goal
I do not miss...
red faces
my tummy hitting the steering wheel
going to the plus size of the store
heavy breathing
snoring really really loud
hiding behind stuff so you don't look so big
people saying not so nice stuff just loud enough for you to hear
fat feet
spending so much money at the grocery store
soft padding on my tush
hanging skin on my arms
looking 12 months pregnant
the inability to run
the inability to walk
the inability to talk and walk at the same time
size 24
size 22
size 20
size 18
size 16
size 14
size XXXL
size XXL
size XL
size Lg
Oh yeah...this was a self-confidence boost!!
We should do this at least once a month!!