I am a little disappointed it isn't more but thankful for every pound I have lost. The last month has really been a challenge with the holidays between eating and getting my exercise. This week has been better and I hope to continue with my progress. One thing that I am sure is helping me is exercising every morning for 50 min. I really feel good afterwards but it is also a challenge to get up earlier.
I pray for all that we continue our success in 2005.
Love and Prayers
Emma Lou
Congrats on your awesome weight loss.
70lbs is wonderful and I am sure you feel like a new person. With all of the exercise you are doing I am sure that You have lost more inches then anything.

Make sure you measure often so that You can still see your success even w/o the needle on the scale moving. I have lost 103lbs but I have not started an exercise plan at all and I am sure you are in way better shape then I am because you are doing it the smart way. Congrats again!!

Emma Lou,
I'm there with you! I've lost 76 pounds and thankful for every single one! I would pray and pray for my chance to have this surgery, and I feel better than I have in the past 10 years, and according those who have said so, I look great!
I told a lady today that is considering the surgery I feel like I'm only 1/2 way there, that I would (if I'm totally honest with myself) love to loose another 70 lbs. My close friends that I tell this too tell me I really don't need to loose that much. My body might not let me loose that much, but I'm eating right for the first time in my life, and learning a new way to deal with stress and emotions. I feel like I'm 20 and can hardly wait to see what the next day brings.
I think our success will be as individual as we are, that although (especially I do this) we compare ourselves with others, no two people loose weight the same way. It is always a constant thought to compare our surgery with other weight loss attempts and we keep waiting for the bottom to fall out and gain our weight back...I think it takes time to realize that this is for life, which of course is what we wanted when we went into it. Old habbits and old pattens of thinking are hard to change, but you can only do them one at a time.
Can you believe it's 2005? Where does the time go? Before we know it we'll be one year post op!!!
Congratulations on your weight loss, and I hope you have a wonderful New Year!

Emma Lou,
People lose weight at different rates. Don't worry so much about how much you have lost so far. I think you are doing great. I haven't lost much weight at all in the last 2-3 months, but I have lost a lot of inches & I know this because my clothes size has changed a lot since August. I have lost about 3-4 dress sizes since August. The holidays can be very challenging because I went through it also, so has everyone I'm sure. But we are past it now and we are going to start anew.
Keep up the good work, don't give up.