Low sex drive question...........
Hi Julie,
I have the same problem. I have no desire to have sex... Which is not like me at all. My Husband has a hard time understanding all of this.
I talked to my regular Doctor and she told me that because of the Major Surgery (massive wt loss) that we've had it throws our hormones out of whack,(hair loss,sex drive,etc) and that everything will get back to normal eventually. In the mean time my Doc. (female doc) wrote me out a RX for: Testosterne cream 2% it says to apply to clitoral area and G-spot everyday for 7 days,then 2 times a week. I plan to fill it this Friday. Doctor told me that most Insurance Companys will not pay for it,but it only cost about $24.00 for a tube of it.
Ask your Doctor about it..it's worth a try. My Doctor said her other pts have had reported great success with it.
I know my Husband is waiting to see how it will work..
- 110 lbs
Wow...you gave me a little hope. PLEASE let me know how the cream works. If It does I will mention it to my doc when I go back. My husband has a hard time understanding it all too since my sex drive was high when I was 265lbs and a low self estime but now that I wear a size 10 I have none...lol Lets just all pray it is a phase and we will soon hit our nympho phase for out husbands sake....

Yeah you're not alone! Before surgery I was an absolutel nympho... wanted sex with my honey every day and didn't settle for less than 2-3 times a week (we've been at this rate for about 8 yrs now). The last couple of months I feel sexy to myself, I know I look sexy to him, but it takes a lot to get me going. It is like what I felt like when I was taking Zoloft. I don't even masturbate any more! It has been quite a mental adjustment for me to not be sexual (I guess I have a lot of mental adjusting to do these days) and I have to feel bad for my poor husband who has been there and loved me so thoroughly when I was big and felt unattractive. Now I have this brand new body and have no desire to use it for what it looks like it was intended for, LOL. I can only hope this is temporary. I miss my desire for sex.