jeremy norman
Has anyone heard about this young man??? if not i'm going to tell you about him briefly. jeremy is 19 years old. i think he had wls on nov. 18th this year. he IS NOT DOING WELL. he's been back to surgery 2 or 3 times and his wife posted he will be going back again soon. jeremy weighed 798 pounds just piror to surgery and has struggled a long time with his weight. his complications include; infections, colostomy (so he can have a normal BM) tracheostomy (for breathing) and has been on the ventilator several time. his kidney's and liver have shut down and he's taking dialysis everyday. he's throwing blood clots because his heart of out of rythmn, and on top of ALL this his wife lost her job back home. what a wonderful christmas they will be having this year!!
. jeremy norman is from martin's ferry ohio and has a web profile here on obestiy help. PLEASE visit his site for support. his wife prints his support pages and reads it to him when he is awake enough to know what is going on.... his wife, roberta, is asking for your prayers and any finicial support you can give. AMY WILLIAMS is his angel, and you can go to the ohio message board for updates on jeremy. if you can help his family in any way, contact amy via the ohio message board. jeremy and his family are staying in a hotel in the columbus area and never forseen the added cost that they would incure because of ALL his complications. if you can't find him or amy, you can email me personally and i will get you to the right person you need to speak with about helping his family. i don't know if he has children or not, there has been no mention of kids in the updates. THANKS FOR LISTENING (even if you already knew about him) and for you prayers and especially if you can help his family with food, hotel and gas money. love jennifer from ohio.