7 months out today
Hey guys I am just realizing I am 7 months out today. WoW where did the time go. I swear I was just stressing about my approval. Now look at me.
I just want to share and give an update on me. I started my journey at 304 lbs and now I am at 190 lbs now... I can't even believe it. from a big 28 to a 14... Holy Cow
Ya know what I still see me as big. I know I am not 300 anymore but dag it's a mental tug of war constently ya know. I remember when I was 145 pre kids for a short period and thinking I was fat then(high school)
I think I will always think it after a lifetime of obesity. Oh well go figure.
I am struggling with my Vi****er/Protien that is a daily struggle for sure. Enough about that, BUT I am happy to say no more high blood pressure, polycystic overian syndrom (pos) is under control no more meds for that, I am not diabetic any longer. No more meds for that.
I also find I have a life now. I am not as shy to go places. I like the attention I get now. I don't feel like when men look at me they are thinking dag she is huge. It's nice when a man pulls up next to me on the rd or highway and just smiles. Wow what a ego boost. I am not dating yet really but I am getting mentally prepared for that in due time.
I must also share that when my daughters father seen me when I was in Michigan his mouth dropped. He wrapped his arms around me so tight I couldn't breath. He just kept saying wow, wow, wow,
Now the surgery was worth that alone. He calls more now I notice but he came to ATL from MI to take care of me when I was sick so I can't dog him to bad, he seen me at my worst.
Well thats is and thats what is going on with me. What is going on with you(new pics on page )
Be well

Hi Nat,
I went to look at your pics and you are looking FANTASTIC. I know ya feel it too. Don't ya love that yer daughter's dad is so Wowwed? I see my ex weekly and he's really supportive. I haven't run into any of my other exes. There is one I'm hoping to run into soon. He always said if I left him I'd end up fat. Well...he was right for awhile, but I'm getting skinny without him and his mental head games. My hubby loved me thin, fat, and thin again.
Keep up the great work NAT. Are you planning on attending the Atlanta Obesity Help event on Jan. 15th? We reserved our room this week and are buying tickets with a group from Dr. Champion's office.

Hey Christie you know I am feeling it I ain't even gonna lie. I hope I never get used to this feeling.
I am not gonna attent the meetings as a single mom of 2 it's hard getting extra money to keep gas in the car much less anything else. but I am planning a trip to New York in July to my pennies are saved for that. I hope you all have a great time and take plenty of pics to share.