I'm 6.5 months out and down about 120 lbs--pretty much goal.
I'm very frightened--I'm having arthroscopic surgery on my shoulder on Monday and I'm not sure that the anasthesologist understands about the gastric by-pass (RNY) and to be very gentle about the lung tubes. My surgeon is very up on it and all my records are marked no steroids, no anti-inflamatories, no asprins but I just don't trust hospitals that much.
Sara , I feel like I read this post from you earlier somewhere . But anyway .. It sounds like to me that you need this surgery to combat your pain . If you are feeling that unsure ... maybe put it off or consult another hospital .
All in all .. I think you will be fine . And I know that the anestiologist is up on our needs .. consult with him one more time before surgery .. and just go for it .. I know you are scared .. just hang in there , I am sure you will make the right decision .
Congrats on your weight loss. That is wonderful!!!!
Now about surgery, first let me say that surgery of any kind is not without risks but...When you are intubated he should not mess with your pouch in any way. In 6 months your incisions should all be healed in there. The problem we have is if we have to have an NG tube, which goes into the stomach. That can cause problems if the inserter is not careful. (You are supposed to stop pushing when you meet resistance).
The ET (endotrachial) tube that is used for intubations is not long enough to hit our stomach's. Also, doing the surgery arthroscopically, you will be "under" a shorter period of time.
Due to the weight loss, you may be a better candidate for surgery since your bypass.
I will keep you in my thougts and prayers,
Good Luck,
Michele M.