have a drink?

on 11/20/04 9:23 pm - Dry Ridge, KY
During my pre-op consultations, one of the things my surgeon told me was that after the surgery I should avoid alcohol. The reason given was that it is nothing but empty calories, plus beer, champagne, etc. have carbonation. With the holidays approaching, though, I'm sure that I'll be somewhere (Christmas party, New Year's Eve, et al) where I will want a glass of wine or some eggnog or some little bit of "holiday cheer." What have you all been told about alcohol? Would it be a terrible thing for me to have some (not to get wasted, of course, but just to imbibe in a festive spirit)? I mean, if the only concern is "empty calories," then c'mon--WHO is going to 100% avoid empty calories during the holidays? Thanks, Jennifer
Pamela N.
on 11/21/04 12:00 am - Denver, CO
Jennifer, The other reason we should avoid alcohol is it is hard on our liver combined with the rapid weight loss. The best info is on Tooter's page at this link: freepgs.com/bariatricbytes/Drinking_alcohol.html (add www) Having said that - I have had 3 beers over the last 6 months, about 1/2 beer at a time, and had no problems. Hope that helps, Pam
on 11/21/04 12:01 am - Burke, VA
I was told by my surgeon to avoid alcohol for 1 year post op. It's for a number of reasons. 1st the empty calories as you have stated all ready. 2nd alcohol is a irritant to your pouch. You really don't need to do that this early on. 3rd you can damage your liver with alcohol. The liver is stressed with the massive wieght loss to begin with. Adding the additional stress of alcohol isn't wise. 4th alcohol hits your intestines so much quicker as a post-op since it passes into it almost immediately. So your drinking as a post-op is completly different than as a pre-op. One drink can get you wasted or make you dump. I will avoid any spirits this holiday season - because that's what I aggreed to with my surgeon.
on 11/21/04 2:12 am - Gadsden, AL
My surgeon says pretty much what others do about avoiding alcohol because it is empty calories. He is, however, a realist and says that we can consume it on occassion. We have to be very careful because it doesn't have acids in our stomachs to mix with so it goes straight through and we become buzzed or drunk very quickly. I did try a little of a margarita one night and won't be doing that again. It felt like my pouch was on fire. Then once while on vacation I had a frozen drink I made with coconut rum and it was yummy and I never felt any adverse affects. I'm sure I will partake in a glass of wine or maybe two during this holiday season. Happy Holidays, Christie
on 11/21/04 1:04 pm - Piedmont, AL
I have been going out a lot and sorry to say that I have been drinking probably too much. One shouldn't kill ya but nurse it because it definitely gets you a lot more drunk more quickly.
Michelle D.
on 11/22/04 4:47 am - South Saint Paul, MN
Hi, I do have a few glasses of wine each weekend, although it doe**** you a little faster, just don't over do it. Shelley D
on 11/22/04 6:06 am - Phoenix, AZ
Jennifer, this is another one of those where our surgeons have so many varying opinions. Mine says it's OK to drink, but to make sure I don't go overboard. I think that in addition to those empty calories & overworking the liver, some drs. are afraid we'll substitute the old food habits with new, bad drinking habits (since so many addictive behaviors tend to be replaced by another addiction). So if you were to go by my surgeon's advice, something like one glass of wine would not hurt you. Obviously, though, you still need to be careful about what you drink, since lots of drinks have those hidden (or even not-so-hidden) sugars in them. Happy Holidays! Angie S. 400/292/???
Ms. H.
on 11/22/04 7:33 am - NEW YORK, ny
Hi...you'll have to check this out with others, but I remember hearing that post op, the alchohol gets into our system VERY quickly causing intoxication much faster. Kind of like sugar I guess...and we weigh less now, so it takes less alchohol to getintoxicated. I'm not a big fan of drinking at office parties. I work in HR and trust me, people talk about those who overindulge at parties. Good luck and have a wonderful holiday season. Ms. Healthy -116.5
on 11/22/04 9:59 pm - Wilson, NC
Jennifer, I am 6 1/2 months out. I do enjoy a glass of wine or a beer every once in while. But try to remember it effects you a lot quicker so don't drink & drive!! Suzi Jones
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