How are your spouses reacting?
I have heard that it is very normal for things like that to happen. My husband has been deployed but he comes back on Wed. I will let you know how everything goes after that!!!
I looked at your profile pictures and are a new woman. Congrats on not having hanging skin!!! I wish I were as lucky as you. YOu look amazing!

I don't have a spouse but I have been meeting a lot of new guys. The funny thing is I refuse to give anybody who did not notice me before the weight loss the time of day. I have met this new guy who had not known me prior to my weight loss but I did tell him that I had the surgery, I just haven't showed him any of my before pictures. My ex, who I started back dating before I had the surgery is just so overwhelmed. At first I didn't think or at least he didn't act like he noticed, but he says I was beautiful before surgery and now I look evan better as I began to blossom.
Let's see. I am wearing a size 16 now but I still don't have men trying to talk to me or even look at me. NOT FAIR!!!! LOL But as for the hubby. Now, he has turned into a complete jerk!!!! Fussing and yelling at me all the time. Anyway, trying to be hateful and mean to me. Just about had enough of his bs!! That is how he is reacting. I am reacting kind of sad that men aren't looking at men. I thought they would by now. Nope! Not here. Oh well! Good luck with your hubby!!
My surgery date was may 4 2004 I have lost 109 pounds. I am 50 years old and have been married for 30 years, I have 8 adult children ( yes all biological and with 2 sets of twins) I have 15 grandchildren.
My husband left me last week. What is up with that ? Needless to say I am shocked and overwelmed. But for the first time in 30 years I am makeing my own decisions and it feels pretty good.