hair back to normal
I know that many of us have posted lamenting over our hair loss, myself included. I thought I'd let y'all know that my hair is finally going back to "normal." For about a week now, I haven't been losing it down the shower drain or picking it up off the floor after using the blow dryer. The texture is starting to return to normal, too. I used to have thick, coarse hair but it turned very fragile and soft after WLS. It's regaining its former texture now, too. YEA! I am sooo relieved. Anybody else out there finding their hair woes are becoming a thing of the past? If not, don't give up! Hopefully we'll all have our lovely locks back soon!

Well...I started out with enough hair for a small army of people, but have been losing it something fierce over the last 6 weeks. I went today and purchased some Nioxin shampoo, conditioner, and hair spray. I spent a small fortune and sure hope it works. I still have plenty of hair, but I'd like to get it thick and shiny again.