Anyone have PS yet.....if so what were your good and bad stories?
Hello my lovely family!! We are all about 5 months out now!!!! I know all of you are changing so much just as myself. Im losing my hair :cry: and yes the dreaded skin is starting to sag especially my tummy. I know I am going to need some PS in the future. Have any of you started down this road yet? I would like to know why and how it has affected you good or bad. I beleive I will be going for a TT and a breast reduction, and I hope to get my arms firmer through exercise. I know this might not work, but it is the best way for me to go through first. I hope not to have to have too much PS. My legs are ok for now and I think they will improve through exercise too. My stomach seems to never be coming back it just hangs like an apron. My chest well I have always need a reduction but never wanted one until I lost weight, this I learned was best through my Dr request. Alot of you have lost your chest, and it seems mine is going nowhere except south
How about you all? I hope you are all doing well and feel as blessed as I do we were able to have this surgery done.- Melissa

Hey Melissa !!
I know I will probably desperately need PS but am going to wait until the majority of the weight is off (12-18 months out) to even consider it.At least, that is what I was told by others that have been through this. I am with your girlfriend chest is hanging low these days ;) My inner thighs are droopy and I am in need of a cheap thighmaster !! Anyone have one for me ?? LOL My stomach is a loose belly of jelly (sugar free of course !) and will probably be my saving grace in having insurance approve my tt as I have already had a panniculectomy ( due to the size of my stomach /weight pushed a piece of inner skin to adhere to another organ ) and I had to have that done 9 months prior to bariatric surgery so I am hoping insurance will see that that problem will remain as long as there is a huge overlook now ! LOL
The scariest thing to me right now though is when I lean over and look in a mirror face has lots of droops -especially under my chin ..Any ideas on how to firm up the chin area other than the wide grin I have from losing some weight
And my arms, look like a turkey but I am working on them with weights so hopefully that will help some !!
Will be interested in hearing anyone else !!

Kathy- hey sweetie!! My arms are so bad too, lol. As for the chin the only thing i know about doing is is like tightening you jaws and making a kiss or fish like face and then relax and repeat over and over. Its something you can do at work or watching tv or even laying in bed. Just remember to watch out for ppl at work looking at you like your crazy
I have heard alot of ppl getting face lifts afterwards too i hope i wont have to do that. I would love for PS to be at a bare minimum. Sounds like you might have a shoe in for a TT, I hope it works. Take care- Melissa

Well, when I start on this journey I thought that I wasnt going to do the plastic surgery thing...I was doing this for health reasons...well, I'm not so sure now. I still have about 70lbs to go...but, yes, the chest is headed south, the tummy is going to need to be tucked and I dont think any amount of exercise is going to help these batwings!
Guess I need to start saving my money!