feeling great.
Hi everyone just wanted to post a few lines,i had my LAP RNY on 5/11/04
and from 278lbs to 178lbs as i was reading all the may posts, it just struck
me that we are almost at the same mental level with our surgerys, it is almost like we are hooked into each others brains !!!! like you guys, at the start i thought OMG! what have i done to myself.BUT now 6mths out
it is like being re born i do not have one regret at all
just to be able to walk and breath at the same time and do my own shoes up without almost passing out, And then theres, the clothes,HO BOY what a thrill
that is things really fit and even my shoes got to big
it is so nice to have this site thank you all for being so nice. Maggie.

Isn't amazing how fast this last 6mo. has gone by!! Well your 6mo anniv. will be here soon..today is mine. YOu have done WONDERFUL with your weight loss...congrats. Just by your post I can tell you are lovin life. I love this site too and if we all keep posting....we will have the best one around!!!