Has your loss inspired others??
Have you all noticed that your dramatic weightloss has inpired others around you to take a stance and get on the ball? It seems like EVERYONE around me is now trying to lose weight.I suppose it is contagious. I know all of them are not doing it for the right reason but out of jealousy. That is ok though...it will make then healthier in the long run. My sister-in-law is facinated by the whole process. She is over weight but not enough to qualify for surgery. She asks me for tips all of the time and the last email I sent her she mentioned that hse printed it out. She never knew most of the stuff I mentioned. ie:diet soda can trigger cravings ...and many more. I am glad I am so open and I am happy if I inspire just a handful of people.
It's funny you posted this. Last night I was waiting for my carpool and someone I work with came up to me and asked how I was doing. I told him I was fine and doing well. The he said - have you lost weight? I told him yes and told him about my WLS, yadda yadda yadda.
Well, then he informs me I have been a big ispiration to a bunch of people I work with. I had no idea. None. He said a lot of people were worried that I was sick because I was out for a couple of weeks and then came back much thinner and continued to lose weight. But then they saw me working out and had much more energy, etc. and they worried less but knew something good was happening.
I didn't tell a lot of people at work about my WLS. If someone asked I told them. But if they didn't ask - why would I tell them? Anyway, it was a odd coincidence that you posted this the day after the conversation I had last night.
I know that must have made you feel great. All in all..I am happy to inspire anyone who can use it. My one friends said...."Well I can't let you get skiny with out me!" I thought that was funny. My 2 cousins got scared.....they have been thinner then me their whole lives....lol My Mother even keeps says "You look thinner then me in those last pics you sent!" well I would think she would be estatic for me. I am so happy to no longer be the fat baby sister. I do notice though that my friends that are very thin already are more supportive then the ones who are chubby.
Julie (who has lost a total of 2.5lbs now since yesterday!!!)
1lb to go to hit the big -90lbs...woohoo!!Keep your fingers crossed for me that it will be when I wake up!

Julie, yes I have had a couple of people from work talk to me about the surgery (I never tried to hide it from anyone) and I was glad to talk to them. Both of them are overweight and have tried all the diets, etc., etc. I gave them my story and told them what they needed to do to get started if they were serious. I also told them that if they ever had any more questions to just ask me and I'd be happy to help! I am also very happy that I have been open about this surgery and that people feel comfortable enough to talk to me about it. If I have inspired anyone, that's even better! You are looking awesome girl! Take care!!