What have you eatin today?
Hello Brenda. I did take a bit of steak for you. LOL Okay today I have been very bad.
B propel water 23.7 oz (Had two of those today)
L 10oz Carb Countdown Smoothie
D getting ready to have. 1 chicken nugget, (Hope I don't get sick from it. Trying chicken again haven't had it for months now because it made me sick) and maybe 1\2 of a big mac without bread. This is if I can eat that much.
I will do better tomorrow. Just don't want to cook tonight. I have so much to do. But I just had to check in here for a minute. LOL
Toni, Thanks for the bite of steak! Now about the Big Mac. This used to be such a favarite meal of mine.
I used to get an additional small cup of the sause to go with it! Oh my goodness I am silavating now. lol
I would love to eat one fo those now/without the bread, but those darn burgers just won't go down.
So eat some of that for me too! LOL

Well I started off really good and so determined. I slipped this evening. Maybe because I waited too long to eat.
B: 50+g protein shake
L: taco meat, sour cream & salsa rolled in a piece of lettuce
S: same as lunch
lost it.....after that I have had 3 fun sized pieces of halloween candy!!! OOPS!!
D: nothing yet. Not sure what I will eat.
I have sipped a bit of water but until now I didn't realize how bad I did on drinking .
I did get out and vote for the first time ever though....that should count for something.
Julie S.