Home from my 4th surgery
Well, this past surgery didn't go quite as planned, but it's all good. I went in Tuesday morning to have the suture neuroma removed and the scar revision done. Surgery was supposed to be 15-30 minutes, it ended up being an hour and a half. Turns out I had another ventral hernia, this one was about the size of a large orange. I ended up staying overnight at the hospital and came home yesterday afternoon. Instead of being out only until this Monday, I am now out until at least November 3rd, and the doc really wants me out for a total of 4 weeks. Not sure if I'm going to be able to do that as I will be out of paid medical leave as of this coming Friday. I can handle a week without pay, but not sure how it would be with 3 weeks without. Anyway, thanks to everyone for thinking about me the last few days.
Dear Andrea, so sorry your surgery didn't go as hoped, but it is better that they fixed everything while you were there so you didn't have to go back another time. I am glad that you are home and I hope that you can work things out with the time off. I will keep you in my prayers that everything will work out for you. Take care!!